You are required to: Write a composition with an introductory and concluding paragraph. The body of the composition must address the following: • Consider the following roles and activities associated with employment in your field: (Healthcare Management) • Internal practitioner in your field: These are persons who specialize in their concentration’s function and work within an organization, typically employed as a full-time employee • Consultant in your field: These are persons who practice their concentration’s skills from outside of an organizational structure • Practicing with a specific niche in your field. With experience, a practitioner may find him- or herself exceptionally proficient in a specific aspect of his or her respective concentration and may choose to limit his or her practice to this area. Even as a specialist, the specific-niche practitioner must be a competent generalist as well, able to navigate the entire domain of the concentration. – Leader or manager within an organization in the context of your field: This is a leader or manager within an organization whose responsibilities and work are directly related to your concentration – Researcher in your field: Often, practitioners in the field do not undertake research or do not publish research in the field. There is a dramatic need for practitioners to document and publish their work (with appropriate human subject protection measures in place and organizational permissions secured). – Instructor in your field: With many years of practice in their field under their belts representing a multitude of concentration-related experiences, as well as the skills for transferring knowledge to others, the scholar-practitioners may seek roles in which they teach the theory and practice of their concentration to novice practitioners.

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