Consider a rectangular grid (width x height) in which it is possible, at each turn, to move from one square to another adjacent
square. When KingMode=false, one can move only up, down, left and right, whereas when KingMode=true, one can also
move in the four diagonal directions. One wishes to go from the source (start point) to the target (end point) in a minimum
number of moves. Obviously, regardless of the value of KingMode, one must stay within the boundaries of the grid. The
upper left-hand corner is considered (1,1) and the bottom right-hand corner is considered (w, h) where w is the width and h
is the height.
Some of the squares in the grid, however, will already have people in them, and due to “social distancing” concerns, it is
forbidden to enter those squares, and one will need to move around them. A list of these squares will be provided as part
of the input.
The goal of the assignment is to compare different algorithmic methods for finding a low-cost path between the source and
target. Note that some approaches may find the true optimal path, whereas others may approximate the answer using
heuristics, randomization, or other techniques.