Order instructions 

  1. Select a trainer or vendor. Will you use a(n) in-house trainer(s) or use a vendor?
  2. Justify your choice. How will you train the people who will be conducting the training? [Note: You may justify using a vendor, but for this project you will design, develop, implement, and assess the training as if you were doing it yourself.] Choose a training manual or textbook(s). Defend your selection. (~1 page)
  3.  Choose and justify the training methods and/or media and justify why those are appropriate. Examples include: Classroom, online, workbooks, videos, public seminars, self-study programs, role plays, audio tapes, case studies, games or simulations, videoconferencing, broadcast TV, teleconference, or experiential exercise. (~1-2 pages)
    3. Develop a lesson plan. Use a general lesson plan using the Sources in this section as a guide or template. Your lesson plan may be more simplified than those in the Sources but it still needs to be very detailed such that someone other than yourself can pick up the module and deliver the training with a minimum of preparation. (~3-5 pages).
    4. Prepare lesson materials (other than the actual textbook) including job aids, handouts, games or simulations, exercises or homework, flyers, guidelines or policies, etc. (Multiple pages)
    5. Create a list and description of training materials needed (pencils, paper, markers, overheads and/or projectors, computers, flip charts, workbooks, calculators, etc. (~1 page)
    6. Create a program announcement – a flyer or newsletter ad that will attract the attention of potential students. (1 page)
    7. Create a training schedule. What day(s) of the week will the training be conducted? What time(s) of day will the training be conducted? Justify your answers. The schedule needs to be different than your program announcement. Too often, students will use them interchangeably when they are not. (~1 page)
    8. Provide a description of the physical environment. Arrange and explain the physical environment including a description of the room layout, seating, comfort level, and potential physical distractions. (~1-3 pages)
    9. Create a PowerPoint presentation to implement the training. In the real world, PPT presentations are only one mode of training delivery but, for this class, as we are not presenting the training “live”, PPT’s will be used. Powerpoint presentations should represent the actual training program being provided. As a general rule, you should use no more than 1 slide for every 10 minutes of class time. For this class, the PPT presentation should be at least 15 slides (including the first or Title page and last or Closing page) and no more than 40 slides.
    Regardless of whether your training program is 2 hours or 4 hours, I encourage you to use a minimum of PPT slides to adequately cover the material so to avoid “death by PowerPoint”!
    10. Complete a Reference page listing references used in this section. (~3-5 pages)

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