Outline: Students are required to complete one essay from the list of essay topics found at this link.

  • You will be required to conduct additional research beyond what has been presented in the unit and the unit’s weekly readings.
  • A properly formatted list of references in Harvard Style must be included with your assignment. You should aim to include at least 10 references. You also need to include in-text citations.
  • You are allowed to illustrate your essay with images. You must ensure that these are sourced correctly.

Due date: Thursday, 5 pm, Week 11

Length: 2,000 words, not including references and footnotes

Weighting percentage: 50%

Assessment Criteria:

  1. Comprehension of the essay topic (15%)
  2. Originality of work and development of a clear, well-structured argument (15%)
  3. Complexity, depth and breadth of research. Quality of source material (10%)
  4. Expression and grammar (5%)
  5. Presentation of assignment, including citations, referencing, images, and other supporting materials (5%)

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