You are given a diskette with two files:SURVEYSAS7BDAT and FORMATS.SAS7BCAT. TIle former is a SAS data set (compatible with your version of SAS software), and FORMATS.SAS7BCAT is a user-defined format library. You copy these two files to a subdirectory called C: \SASDATA 011 your hard disk. Two variables of special interest in data set are lCD_9 and AGE. TIle format library contains a format for JCD_9, and that format has been assigned in the data set to ICD_9. Write a SAS program for a computer system you use (mainframe MVS, VM, Windows XP, Windows2000, UNIX, etc.) that will read that data set, recognize the format library, and produce a frequency distribution of the ICD_9 codes in decreasing order of frequency (PROC FREQ option ORDER~FREQ). Also, compute descriptive statistics for AGE (n, mean, standard deviation, standard error, minimum, and maximum)
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