Learning Objectives:

  1. Analyze multiple sources of school and system data using processes or protocols designed to facilitate identification of areas within the curriculum in need of increased rigor and/or greater alignment with state performance standards.  This course provides educational leaders the opportunity to explore and use data-informed decision making to drive and sustain organizational and academic improvements in a school setting.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding and proper use of instructional and supervisory approaches that relate directly to the improvement of teaching and learning, including alignment of curriculum with performance standards, fidelity of classroom implementation, and the continuous improvement process.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of the role of school leaders in identifying and supporting the educational and socio-emotional needs of all special student populations within a school and/or school system, including students with disabilities, homeless students, limited or non-English proficient students, and other students who may be culturally or socially marginalized in the school environment.


(I) Assignment Overview- 

A Comprehensive School Data Profile is a tool to assist school staff in determining the strengths and growth areas/needs for improvement of their school based on an analysis of data and responses to a series of data related questions. The Data Profile is intended to support deeper dialogue about the data and information, and to draw thoughtful conclusions about the areas of need.


The Comprehensive School Data Profile/Analysis is an effective tool for schools to….


  • identify issues of achievement for all students;
  • identify areas of need to be included in the School Improvement Plan;
  • serve as the basis for all other needs assessments that may be required of the school;
  • determine the basis of the school’s professional learning plan;
  • satisfy Georgia requirements for a School Profile Report; and
  • comply with federal grant requirements (including NCLB and IDEA 2004) for appropriate resource
  • alignment with identified needs through a comprehensive needs analysis (if applies).


In this assignment, you will:

  1. Part 1: Develop a Comprehensive School Data Profile for your school or district using data from national, state, district, and school level resources.
  2. A minimum of three data charts per category are required.(I have provided you this)
  • Complete data profiles must include (I have already worked on it and included it for you – document name in attachments ES-comprehensive data profile)
    • Three yearsof student learning data (e.g., GMAS, District Benchmarks, School Common Assessments, Purchased Assessment Programs, All Students, Subgroups)
    • Two yearsof perception data. (e.g,, student, teacher, parent perception surveys, Climate Star surveys),
    • Three yearsof demographic data (e.g., population data, subgroups, F/R, ethnicity)
    • Three yearsof process data (e.g., discipline, attendance, RtI).
  • The data listed above should be presented in a visual manner (charts, graphs, etc.)
  • narrative analysis(You need to work on this) of the data should demonstrate your ability to identify trends, strengthens, areas for improvement, and data intersections.  The narrative maybe included at the end of each data type OR as a final narrative at the end of the data.  Research should be included to support your analysis.


Part 2: Root Cause Analysis School name Amana Academy


  • After compiling the data, you will lead a group from your school or district through:
  • A data discussionthat involves the group in the identification of overall strengths, areas for improvement, and data intersections that support this information.  (You are facilitating their conversation and recording their responses.  The group may or may not identify the same strengths and areas for improvement that you identified in Part 1).
  • Group decision of one priority area for improvement.
  • A root cause analysisprocess of one identified area for improvement (5 Whys, Fishbone, Affinity Diagrams, etc.).
  • You will write a narrative discussion of the work you facilitated with the group.  Describe each steps of the process used and include participant responses, decisions, and conclusions. Submit the narrative as Part 2 of the Data Profile.


(II) Assignment Components / Steps:

       Part 1:

  1. Collect multiple sources of data from the four categories of data (student learning, demographic, perception, and process)
  2. Organize the data into a data profile.  There is no required profile template, so you can determine how to best present the data (See samples; explore options on the internet).
  3. Analyze the data you have collected and write a narrative summary of your interpretation of the data and the identified strengths and weaknesses.  Please do NOTjust tell me what the charts and graphs display. Focus on data intersections, patterns, and trends.

Part 2:

  1. Meet with a select group from your school or district to present the data and work with them to determine the strengths and areas for improvement in each of the four data areas.
  2. Work with the group to prioritize/narrow the areas for improvement to one focus.
  3. Guide / facilitate the group through a root cause analysis process focused on the one identified data problem. (e.g., affinity diagram, 5 whys, fishbone).
  4. Write a narrative summary of the steps / process used with the select group. Include the strengths, areas for improvement, comments, discoveries and reactions of the group, the root cause analysis process selected, and the outcome of the process. The final paragraph of this narrative should summarize what you learned and your growth as a leader during this assignment.


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