Below I have listed the second assignment for you to do.  Every assignment should be submitted with a cover page.  With that being said please do the following assignments.

** To complete this assignment Chapter0 – Chapter3 should be reviewed.  Also see the document “Introduction to Raptor Tutorials” for assistance using Raptor.

2nd Assignment is located in the AITT-Summer 2018\Assignments folder.  Please answer all questions and submit. The questions can be answered within the document.

1)  AITT4300 – Assignment2

The second part of the assignment is also located in the AITT-Summer 2018\Assignment folder.  The document isAITT4300_Chapter3_PC_1-5.

2)  Under the section Programming Challenges (page 177), do questions 4 and 5.  This assignment should be done in a project format.  The two problems are to be submitted as one project.

I. Cover Page

II. Background/Theory

III. Problem Statement

IV. Pseudocode

V. Flowchart

VI. Code

VII. Results

VIII. Conclusion


Below I have listed the first assignment for you to do.  Every assignment should be submitted with a cover page.  With that being said please do the following assignments.

** To complete this assignment Chapter0 – Chapter3 should be reviewed.  Also see the document “Introduction to Raptor Tutorials” for assistance using Raptor.

1st Assignment is located in the AITT-Summer 2018\Assignments folder.  Please answer all questions and submit. The questions can be answered within the document.

1)  Try_It_Yourself_AppendixA_Exercises

2)  Try_It_Yourself_AppendixB_Exercises

2nd Assignment is also located in the AITT-Summer 2018\Assignment folder.  The document is Chapter3_Questions.pdf.

1) Under the section Programming Problems (page 161), do questions 1 and 2.  This assignment should be done in a project format.  The two problems are to be submitted as one project.

I. Cover Page
II. Background/Theory
III. Problem Statement
IV. Pseudocode
V. Flowchart
VI. Code
VII. Results
VIII. Conclusion

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