2 different assignments. Need them finished in 10 to 12 hours.

1-Please  complete the following assignment using visual studio and upload the project or .cpp file:

Instructions: Write a cpp program to print “Hello, World!


2- Archie wants a program that calculates and displays a team’s final score in a football game, given the numbers of the team’s field goals, touchdowns, one-point conversions, two-point conversions, and safeties. First, create an IPO chart for this problem, and then desk-check the algorithm twice. For the first desk-check, use 3, 2, 2, 0, and 1 as the numbers of field goals, touchdowns, one-point conversions, two-point conversions, and safeties. For the second desk-check, use your own set of data. After desk-checking the algorithm, list the input, processing, and output items in a chart similar to the one shown in Figure 3-25(SEE ATTACHED BELOW), and then enter the appropriate C++ declaration statements.

Save your document(cpp file) with the name football followed by your initials. Example football-rf.cpp

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