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• Adoption and justification of a suitable model of reflection (10 Marks) There are ten marks available for this part so allocate your word count accordingly – no more than 100 words identifying your chosen model for reflection and a brief justification for why you have chosen it. There are three models for reflection in Lecture 6 – Essay writing and reflective writing. You can choose one of those (many learners choose the Gibbs or Kolb model) or if you have another comparable model that you are familiar with or prefer you can use that instead (for instance Moon)

• Reflective review of developed academic skills including application of the model (50 Marks) This is an extended piece of reflective writing on the academic skills you have developed during the PHRM module. There are 50 marks available for this part so you should write at least 500 words. So what do you write about here?

• The most obvious thing to write about is the skills you have learned by participating in the four academic skills sessions you have participated in during the PHRM lectures (library skills and finding sources, building confidence for presentations, essay writing and reflective writing, proofreading and referencing).

• Also think about your wider academic skills development on the module – how have you developed by participating in your PHRM seminars? – academic skills you might have developed include – working as part of a team, discussing ideas in groups, facilitating group discussion (encouraging others to contribute to discussions, writing up their ideas),interpreting case studies, applying theory to cases, critical analysis of case material, presenting, speaking in front of the class and so on.

• What academic skills have you developed on other modules during the first semester? • Think about how much you have developed since arriving at university!

• How to begin this section? You may wish to briefly describe your biography as a learner. How should you write this? The question is asking you to apply a model of reflection. Whichever model you choose please make sure you complete each stage of the reflective cycle.

• Development record (20 Marks) At least 200 words recording briefly your academic skills development using the template provided or another suitable format.

• Action plan (20 Marks) From your development record you should develop an action plan (200 words minimum) for your further academic skills development using the template provided or another suitable format.

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