LAB EXAM#1– For Exam 1 (Due October 26, 2017) – Must be HANDWRITTEN (Please provide the Exam #, and the Essay # on the essays). Example, Lab Exam 1, Essay 1 or Essay 2.

These Essay questions (2) are worth 5 points each and will be counted toward your first Lab exam score. All essays should be hand written and will be collected on Thursday (October 26, 2017). Please write clearly and legible. If your essay is not legible, and do not have good sentence structure (verb and grammar agreement) or make sense when read, you will receive a low score.

Please use your textbook and other resources to help you to answer these questions. Please DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please write answers in your OWN WORDS.

Essay #1:

Essay #2: Consider the roles of two hormones involved in regulation of the concentration of calcium ions in the blood.  Parathyroid hormone increases the concentration of calcium ions in the blood, but calcitonin decreases the concentration.  Maintenance of calcium ion homeostasis is critical to neurological, cardiac and skeletal muscle function.  Based on this information predict what type of feedback mechanism would respond to restore calcium balance if a teenager took a dare and  ate 100 antacid tablets made of a calcium compound in 10 minutes.  Explain the answer in terms of the components of a feedback loop and whether the body would respond to this situation with a positive or a negative feedback loop.

Bonus Essay (#3):  (A). Compare the pectoral and pelvic girdles. (B). Describe the different classifications of joints (and there divisions (breakdown)) and the different types of Synovial Joints; Define the different types of special movements in synovial joints, and factors affecting the range of motion at these synovial joints?


Please provide 2 or more references for your answers in the format below. Please see example below from various sources.

BOOK REFERENCES……..should be written as..


Calfee, R. C, & Flores, R. (1999). APA guide to ………. publication (2nd Ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychology Association.


BOOK CHAPTER REFERENCES: ……..should be written as..

Calfee, R. C, & Flores, R. (1999). Photosynthesis, Chapter 6. In: Biology: Concepts and Connections (pp. 100-109). San Francisco, CA: Pearson and Benjamin Cummings.


WEBSITE REFERENCES: ……..should be written as….

Chapters or section of Online document:

The Foundation….World. (2000). Pollution and banana cream pie. In Great chefs cook with chlorofluorocarbons and carbon monoxide (Chap. 3). Retrieved July 13, 2001, from http://www.wikidictionary/pollution/banana.htm)



{Last, first name (1st author)}, &{Last, first name (2st author)}. (2000). A Buddhist response…..human rights. Journal of Buddhist Ethics, 8(4). Retrieved July 13, 2001, from http://www.wikidictionary/pollution/banana.htm).


ARTICLES (3 TO SIX AUTHORS) REFERENCES: ……..should be written as……

Calfee, R. C, Cornel, D., Berry, A., Kernis, M. H., Stacks, G., & Flores, R. (1999). There is more to….high or low: The importance of stability of self-esteem. Journal of Anatomy and Health, 65, 1190-1204.


IN YOUR TEXT (WITHIN THE ESSAY) CITATION:……..should be written as..

  • In a recent study of student performance………, and…………60 students failed (Tortora, 2009).
  • According to Jones (1998), “student often…..time” (p. 199)


1 author, 2 author, etc, 3, 4, 5, Parkinson, A. (2000). FOR 3-6 AUTHORS.

MORE THAN 6…(1st author, 2nd author, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th→Parkinson, A. A., et al. (2000). Pollution and banana…

IMPORTANT:  See Articles (3 to Six Authors) References above. If more than 6 authors use ↑

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