Online Module 4 Resources

Please read and review each one in order to complete the course assignments for this Module.

Video:  Hoover Institution.  Defending the Nation with Secretary of Defense James Mattis.  May 11, 2018.

Congressional Research Service Report:  A Defense Primer.

Congressional Research Service Report: Comparison of Rights Before a Military Tribunal versus Federal Criminal Court.




Online Module Assignments

M4:1 -Reflection Consider the following question:  Unlike some other nations, under the United States Constitution, the military reports to the elected civilian leadership, the National Command Authority (i.e., President of the United States).  Is this the principle reason why the U.S. democratic system has endured for so long? Provide a three (3) paragraph justification for your answer.






.M4:2 Written Assignment Based on the readings for this module, compare and contrast the significant differences between military tribunals and federal criminal courts. Your answer should take the form of at least three (3) typewritten pages.  You may use any VALID reference source, as long as you include some acknowledgement of attribution.




M3:3Reflection –Discussion Post In 100 words or less, answer the following question:  Is it ever permissible to try a United States citizen, who is NOT a member of the U.S. military before a military tribunal?


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