Assessment Information
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Assessment 1 Information
Subject Code: MBA602
Subject Name: Small Business Administration
Assessment Title: Assessment 1: Individual Video Presentation
Assessment Type:
Video Presentation
10 minutes (no more)
Weighting: 30%
Total Marks:
Video (online)
Due Date: Week 5
Your task
Individually, you are required to record a 10-minute video in which you are to reflect on whether you are
more of a small businessperson or an entrepreneur considering your skill sets and your passions. You
are then to research a small business owner you admire and analyse his/her significant business
decisions in their business journey.
Assessment Description.
In this individual assessment, students are given an opportunity to reflect on their own skills and
passions to start their own businesses.
Assessment Instructions
Each student is to submit a 10-minute video presentation covering the following questions.
• What is the difference between an entrepreneur and a small business owner? Which one are you or
do you think you are? Why? Give specific examples/ experiences.
• What skills are required to manage the on-going demands associated with running a small business?
Which ones do you have? What are your skill gaps? What is your strategy to fill those gaps for you
to have a successful business?
• What is your passion? Do you think you could turn that ‘passion’ into a successful small business?
Why or why not? Justify your answer using marketing research including local, national, and global
trends depending on your vision and mission for the proposed business.
• Research a small-medium business owner or entrepreneur that you admire. State why you chose
this person. Analyse his/her significant business decisions in their business journey; these can
include those turning points in the business. Discuss their small business success stories and identify
what led to his/her success as well as what strategies helped overcome any key challenges.
Assessment Information
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Copyright Regulations 1969
This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of Kaplan Business School pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 (‘Act’). The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any
further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act. Kaplan Business School is a part of Kaplan Inc., a leading global provider of educational services. Kaplan Business School
Pty Ltd ABN 86 098 181 947 is a registered higher education provider CRICOS Provider Code 02426B.
In preparing this assessment, you will need to utilise theories/concepts taught in weeks 1 to 4 and use
at least 6 sources of information and reference these in accordance with the Kaplan Harvard
Referencing Style. These may include websites, government publications, industry reports, census data,
journal articles, and newspaper articles. These references should be presented as in-text citations; you
are expected to have a reference list at the end of your slides to support your video. Remember,
Wikipedia is NOT a reliable source in itself, but might provide links to reliable primary references.
For the slides:
• When you record your presentation, you also must turn on the video so you can be seen in the
• You are encouraged to be creative with your slide presentation. Try not to use too many words on
the slide. Remember – “A picture says a thousand words”. Use appropriate pictures / photos that
support your talk.
• There is no limit to the number of slides you should have; just remember you only have 10 minutes
for your video presentation. Here is an example of your slide outline:
Slide 1: Cover slide
Slide 2: Background of yourself
Slide 3: Entrepreneur vs Small Business Owner
Slide 4: Skills Required
Slide 5: Your Passion / Business Idea
Slide 6: Your Passion / Business Idea (justification)
Slide 7: Owner / Entrepreneur you admire and why
Slide 8: Owner / Entrepreneur business journey / strategies
Slide 9: Conclusion
Slide 10: References (minimum 6)
Assessment Submission
Students are encouraged to submit their work well before the deadline to avoid any possible technical
difficulties. For those students with limited experience in video making techniques, it is recommended
you read the video FAQs document available to you under the assessments tab in MyKBS.
Late assignment submission penalties
Penalties will be imposed on late assignment submissions in accordance with Kaplan Business School
“late assignment submission penalties” Policy.
Number of
1* – 9 days 5% per day for each calendar day late deducted from the total
marks available
10 – 14 days 50% deducted from the total marks available.
After 14 days Assignments that are submitted more than 14 calendar days after
the due date will not be accepted, and the student will receive a
mark of zero for the assignment(s).
Note Notwithstanding the above penalty rules, assignments will also be
given a mark of zero if they are submitted after assignments have
been returned to students
*Assignments submitted at any stage within the first 24 hours after the deadline will be considered to be
one day late and therefore subject to the associated penalty For more information, please read the full
policy via
Assessment Information
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Copyright Regulations 1969
This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of Kaplan Business School pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 (‘Act’). The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any
further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act. Kaplan Business School is a part of Kaplan Inc., a leading global provider of educational services. Kaplan Business School
Pty Ltd ABN 86 098 181 947 is a registered higher education provider CRICOS Provider Code 02426B.
Important Study Information
Academic Integrity Policy
KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of
cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy.
What is academic integrity and misconduct?
What are the penalties for academic misconduct?
What are the late penalties?
How can I appeal my grade?
Click here for answers to these questions:
Time Limits for Video Assessments
Submissions that exceed the time limit will cease to be marked from the point at which that limit is
Study Assistance
Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the
resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information.
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Copyright Regulations 1969
This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of Kaplan Business School pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 (‘Act’). The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further
reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act. Kaplan Business School is a part of Kaplan Inc., a leading global provider of educational services. Kaplan Business School Pty Ltd ABN 86
098 181 947 is a registered higher education provider CRICOS Provider Code 02426B.
MBA602 Assessment 1 Marking Rubric – Video Presentation 30%
Criteria (__/100)
F (Fail)
0 – 49%
P (Pass)
50 – 64%
C (Credit)
65 – 74%
D (Distinction)
75 – 84%
HD (High Distinction)
85 – 100%
_/40 marks
You have answered some of the
areas with poor or no
explanations and personal
insights. Very little depth on
skills and skill gaps. Strategies
were weak regarding how to fill
those gaps to have a successful
Passion was not identified nor
You have answered all areas but
with minimal explanation.
Personal insights and
identification of skills and skills
gaps lacked depth. Strategies to
fill gaps and develop successful
business lacked clarity.
Identified passion but needed a
clearer explanation on how it
could be turned into a successful
You have answered all areas with
some valid explanations and
personal insights. Needed more
depth in the discussion on skills
and skill gaps. Strategies were
clear regarding how to fill those
gaps to have a successful
Identified passion with a clear
explanation on how it could be
turned into a successful business.
You have comprehensively
answered all areas with clear
explanations and personal
insights. Skills, skills gaps and
strategies discussed with
insights and justification.
Identified passion with a clear
and well justified explanation
on how it could be turned into
a successful business,
including some insights into
success drivers and
You have comprehensively
answered all areas with clear and
consistent explanations and
personal insights. Skills, skills
gaps and strategies discussed
with consistent insights and
Identified passion with a clear
and well justified explanation on
how it could be turned into a
successful business, including
consistent insights into success
drivers and challenges
Business success
_40 marks
You have not clearly identified
the small business owner /
entrepreneur. No or minimal
analysis of the person’s
business decisions.
No or minimal strategies
identified regarding the person’s
You have clearly identified small
business owner / entrepreneur but
did not provide a clear explanation
of how/why they inspire.
Analysis of the person’s business
decisions and strategies needed
more depth.
You have clearly identified small
business owner / entrepreneur
and provided brief or minimal
explanation of how/why they
Analysis of the person’s business
decisions and strategies including
some relevant insights and
You have clearly identified
small business owner /
entrepreneur and gave clear
explanation of how/why they
Analysis of the person’s
business decisions and
strategies included consistent,
relevant insights and
You have clearly identified small
business owner / entrepreneur
and persuasively explained
how/why they inspire.
Excellent and thorough analysis
of the person’s business
decisions and strategies included
consistent, relevant insights and
Presentation and
_/10 marks
Your presentation was
ineffective or only partially
effective in communicating the
relevant information. Delivery
style demonstrated limited
confidence and audience
Your presentation was mostly
effective in communicating the
relevant information. Delivery style
demonstrated developing
confidence and audience
Your presentation clearly
communicated the relevant
information. Delivery style
demonstrated confidence and
some audience engagement
Your presentation
clearly communicated the
relevant information in an
engaging and persuasive
Your video delivery
communicated the required
information in a highly engaging
and persuasive manner.
In-text citations
and referencing
_10 marks
Neither in-text referencing nor
reference list adheres to Kaplan
Harvard Referencing Style.
In-text referencing or the resultant
reference list adheres to Kaplan
Referencing Style, with some
Both in-text referencing and the
resultant reference list adhere to
Kaplan Harvard Referencing
Style, with some errors.
Both in-text referencing and
the resultant reference list
adhere to Kaplan Harvard
Referencing Style, with only
occasional minor errors.
Both in-text referencing and the
resultant reference list adhere
strictly to Kaplan Harvard
referencing Style, with no errors.
Feedback and grades will be released via MyKBS.

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