your client is a high net worth investor who currently has an investment in the BlackRock Total Intex US fund. This investor would like to add exposure to the US equity market into their portfolio. You can select up to two funds (i.e. one or two funds) to add to the BlackRock fund that is already in the investor’s portfolio.
1. You are required to undertake a detailed analysis of the data and pdf reports provided to identify the risk factors that drive the each of the US fund’s returns. Do you believe that each fund if providding investors with the protfolio that they expect? why or why not?
2. Using the tools covered in the unit, you will need to provide a detailed recommendation of which one (or two) funds you would want to include in your client’s portfolio, along with the BlackRock fund. Why did you make this selection(s)?
3. You will need to list and discuss any limitations to the analysis that you have conducted to reach your recommendation.
4. You are required to present a number of realistic scenarios to show how your selected fund(s) will improve the portfolio for your client.

If yo are undertaking any regression analysis, please note that you will need to identify whether the coeeficients in the regression are statistically significant.


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