The use of technology has brought about massive changes in the way we work. ICT in
particular is used in many places of work and organizations have come to rely on it.
Discuss four (4) ways you can limit the fallout (negative consequences) from IT
failure in organisations.

(12 marks)
Providing 2 examples of where robotics are used, clearly explain why robots are

(8 marks)

Question 4 (20 Marks)
An organisation that is concerned about its security must perform security risk
analyses/ risk assessments. Briefly explain the importance of carrying out a risk

(2 marks)

Clearly distinguish between qualitative risk analysis and a quantitative risk analysis.
(4 marks)

In today’s world, computers seem to be everywhere. More and more people have
them in their homes and at the office, and use them to, amongst other functions,
process billions of shillings for corporations, manufacture products for industry, and
conduct major transactions for businesses. However, there is a catch: computer crime.
It has been argued that people commit computer crimes not because of any economic
need, but rather due to society”s declining ethical standards. Defining computer
crime, give and discuss four (4) reasons why this may be true.
(14 marks)






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