CK logistics is an IT company based in Tema, Ghana. Established in 2009, the companies utilises a project organisational structure due to the many projects it undertakes both locally and internationally. The company recently concluded a new deal for the development of an aircraft control software for a company located in London, UK A new project manager will be required for the project organisation. The new manager must also understand and must be able to work in a project organisation. The new manager must also understand and must be able to take advantage of the opportunities and challenges in project organisations that can affect the success of IT projects. You have been employed as the project manager for the aircraft control software project. Required:

As the project manager:

. With the aid of an appropriate diagram, describe a project organisation and how it's can to help you accomplish your project successfully

What's opportunities and challenges are you likely to experience in the project planning and execution

. What qualities are required of the suitable project manager for a project of this nature

. Would a work group or real teen be more suitable for this project? Explain your answer.

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