1.Suggest ways of ensuring that the stationery store is well maintained and organized.(20 marks)

2.(a) Describe the principles of good record management.(10 marks)

(b) Explain the factors to be considered when formulating a record retention policy of an organization.(10 marks)

3.Briefly explain the following principles of good office organization:

(a) Communication.(5 marks)

(b) Clear lines of authority.(5 marks)

(c) Delegation of authority.(5 marks)

4.Since the last decade,most organizations have been undergoing rapid changes in the economic,technological,sociological and competitive fields.

(a) Explain the steps to be followed when effecting changes in the office.(12 marks)

(b)Give reasons why people resist change.(8 marks)

5.Discuss the factors to be taken into consideration when installing a lighting system in the office.(20 marks)









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