Learning outcomes and pass attainment level:


1.    Identify and plan a project that is of strategic relevance to the organisation

2.    Present a business report, to include a literature review, critique of research methods, data collection, analysis, findings, conclusions and recommendations.

3.    Write a reflective account of what has been learned during the project and how this can be applied in the future.


See attachment for Distinction; Merit; Pass and Fail attainment levels





This module provides the opportunity for learners to demonstrate the ability to diagnose and investigate a live business issue from an HR perspective, to locate the work within the body of contemporary knowledge, to collect and analyse data, to derive supportable conclusions and to make practical and actionable recommendations for change, improvement or enhancement of current practice.


You are also required to reflect on the experience and consider how learning can be applied in the future. The applied nature of the report requires a combination of academic research and business report writing skills.


This assignment seeks to assess all the learning outcomes of the module.


In order to complete the learning outcomes you will have to write a business report of 7,000 words with chapters that address the following tasks:


  1. Identify a business issue that is of strategic relevance to the organisation

In the introduction your report should explain the organisational setting and why the issue is relevant and important. It should also set out the specific aims, objectives and scope of your research


  1. Critically discuss existing literature, contemporary HR policy and practice relevant to the chosen issue

The next chapter of your report should provide a clearly written review that demonstrates your understanding of the issue and the state of existing knowledge about the issue using up-to-date sources from peer-assessed academic journals.


  1. Compare and contrast the relative merits of different research methods and their relevance to different situations

The research methods module will provide you with an understanding of different research methods; ways of analysing data systematically and interpreting findings. In this chapter of your report you should provide a clear explanation of how you carried out your research including an explanation of:

  • The sources of primary data used in the research and the reliability and validity of your data
  • The techniques you used for collecting data and why you think they are appropriate
  • The techniques for analysing your data


  1. Gather data and present findings.

This part of the report should provide the interpretation and presentation of data of the data you have gathered. As well as systematic data analysis, this chapter should include the identification and explanation of emerging patterns and how you dealt with conflicting evidence.


  1. Draw conclusions and make recommendations

This chapter should show your conclusions which have been drawn from the data collected. These should be followed by realistic, timely and effectively justified recommendations and a costed implementation plan. You should indicate any potential resistance to your recommendations and suggest how this might be overcome


  1. Present a business report appropriate to a stated audience.

The report should have an appropriate structure, communication and persuasion for the intended audience. It should have accurate referencing using the Harvard system.


  1. Reflect on your learning

The report should include a reflective account of what you have learned during the project and how this can be applied in the future.

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