Group Project Choose any department from a company from Qatar or GCC or worldwide region, for example major shopping centers or any retailers that you frequent often in Qatar or GCC. Evaluate their current system and build a new VB based system for their functions. Minimum you are required to develop 20 forms to cover the operation so the company with the use of suitable database.
Please note: To avoid being overly influenced by appearance, you will need to take a couple of days to complete this project responsibly.
Presentations will start on December 19 th 2016, when each group will have 25 minutes to present their research followed by 10 minutes to field questions. At this presentation the group can hand in copies of the presentation.
The Marking Criteria for the presentations is as follows
General Appearance 10%
Introduction 10%
Smoothness of links 5%
Use of Visual Aids 10%
Use of statistical support for argument 5%
Breadth of cover of Evaluation Criteria Adopted 50%
The holistic effectiveness of the team effort 10%
Total 100% = 5 Marks of total Course
The Marking Criteria for Reports: (20 Marks of total course grades)
Your report should do justice to your findings based on the available system. Scope of system, fields of the system, plan of the forms should be clear. It should not exceed 1,500 words, including diagrammatic representation wherever appropriate, and with appendices which are relevant, not merely weighty
Marks Scale:
Total Marks: 25
Presentation: 5
Report & Software 25