This is a part of a group project which is the reason the requirements aren’t that much.
Choose a company(my team chose Wal MART) and Revise its Pay System Addressing parts of the Pay Model. The parts of the pay model include (internal alignment, Competitiveness, Contribution, and Management.
This portion of the project is to only address “Employee Contribution” for Wal Mart, as there are 5 parts to the Pay Model.
I attached the portion from my book that can be used to reference“Employee Contribution” in Wal Marts Pay Model.
Part 1: Please address the following question in the PowerPoint using 3 slides with notes and (4 references).
What can be improved from the perspective of a HRM consultant and employee?
(You May add a video or pictures, just be sure to add supportive notes and references.
Part 2: Include a 125-200 word summary of the PowerPoint addressing, employee Contribution and it’s important to Wal Mart pay model.