Attached is Chapter 1

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no et al references, only scholarly references.

Case 1 which includes three questions. The case should be minimum four pages including cover page and references.

Warren Buffet is a highly successful entrepreneur, who resides in Omaha, Nebraska. After graduating from Columbia University, he embarked on a career buying companies that he believed would be successful. His strategy was to focus on a variety of companies in different industries. He believes that this reduces the overall risk to his conglomerate. He also focuses on hiring and retaining the best managers. He wants his managers to have “ownership” of their individual firms focusing on the business, its success, and growth. This strategy has made Warren Buffet one of the most successful and admired business leaders in the world.


1. Describe Buffett’s business strategy. Why do you think it was so successful?

2. What are some of the benefits of owning companies in several different industries? The risks?

3. Why is it important for Buffett to allow managers the ability to run the firms as they see fit?

  • attachment


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