Assume you have been appointed as a strategic management planning consultant to prepare a strategic management plan for the organization you have selected.

write a practical strategic management plan for the organization you have selected. The organization you select for this assignment should be an organization in the US Virgin Islands and must have a website address that you can use for collecting information.

Your strategic management plan should include: Strategy Formulation; Annual Action Plan; Strategy Implementation (concerning organizational structure, resources, management of change); Strategy Evaluation and Control. Your plan should also include an introduction/background of the organization and an executive summary.

The hotel selected is the Carambola Beach Resort and Spa located on St. Croix U.S.Virgin Islands. Below you will find the mission, vision and specific objectives I came up.

Mission Statement: ” Our customers are our priority and we will provide them with a quality experience which is second to none. We recognize the importance of our employees in achieving this and will create a positive working environment which encourages their loyalty, commitment and hard work”

Vision: Carambola Resort, will be the #1 Hotel and Resort in the Virgin Islands. That provides excellent products and services at reasonable prices all year round.

There are several specific objectives that the Carambola Beach Resort and Spa could effectively employ to remain competitive in the market, which includes:

1. To increase occupancy in our hotel by 5% in 2015 by attracting local and national organization conferences and events, which would increase usage of conference facilities

2. To increase and diversify on campus activities for guest

3. To become energy efficient, which would provide a cost saving measure

4. Modernize facilities

5. To initiate and provide complimentary shuttle service from airport to hotel, which would provide an ease of access to facilities

6. Partner with airline agencies to provide special rates to customers

7. To provide customer service training and incentives for all our associates

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“Fush & Chups” wants to install a system to record orders for fish and chips. When regular customers call “Fush & Chups” on the phone, their phone number goes automatically into the ordering system. The phone number invokes the name, address, and last order date comes automatically up on the screen. Once the order is taken, the total, including tax and delivery, is calculated. Then the order is given to the cook. A receipt is printed. Occasionally, special offers (coupons) are printed so the customer can get a discount. Drivers who make deliveries give customers a copy of the receipt and coupon (if any). Weekly totals are kept for comparison with last year’s performance. Your task is to develop a context diagram and a Level 0 DFD for the fish & chips ordering system. You may make some assumptions as necessary but remember you are modelling what it likely an incomplete understanding of the system

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