RE: Formative outline plan

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  • Introduction
    • An inter professional leadership issue relating to the management of change within an organisation
    • The management of a change in service delivery, due to split of services and structural redesign following contractual changes.
    • The processes and procedures of managing change from a leadership perspective, minimising the impact this has on staff through the transition period.
  • The present/past situation(the inter professional issue)
    • The investigation will look at leadership approaches adopted and the management of some of the aspects concerning the workforce
    • Processes undertaken (critique– why this process) communications of the right messages at the right team, managing resistance to change,
    • Procedures personally undertaken (critique – why this procedure) reviewing of the structural design, job descriptions, supervision, staff meetings to share information.
    • Solutions that have been offered – communication, training, and staff involvement – the importance of employee involvement in the form of consultation concerning aspects of the implementation.
    • The limitations of the report is that it will only look at one area of staff management, there are lots of other factors to consider for an organisation to manage when going through such change as the changes will occur dynamic change can be achieved at the individual, team, departmental and organisational level. The report will appreciate the complexity in facilitating the change in a multi-professional organisation.
  • Conclusion
    • The report should achieve a management strategy aiming to which can bring about change so that the organisations behaviour remains functioning, whilst maintaining/improve staff morale, retain staff, and refocus the company’s mission and values by putting the patient at the centre of care delivery.
    • Effective Communication will be central to managing the change in the organisation
  • Recommendations
    • The report sets to outline a structured, yet flexible approach dealing with the management of change.
    • Make recommendations for the future; a strategy team include stakeholder, communication, working groups, empowerment of staff and measuring outcomes

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A comprehensive plan with some interesting sections. Be careful not to introduce new content into the conclusion. There looks to be some interesting critical discussion – this leads nicely to the next section.


Issue that the report is addressing:  Shared leadership in interprofessional HSC teams.

Context: Interprofessional teamwork is regarded as a vital approach to enchance delivery of high quality and safe patient care. The Kings Fund has emphasized a focus on shared or collective leadership model in interdisciplinary HSC teams as a move to enhance team effectiveness.

Questions that the report seeks to answer:

1.What are the potential benefits of high levels of shared leadership in interprofessional HSC teams?

2.What factors may hinder implementation of a shared leadership model in HSC?

  1. Are there differences in leadership beliefs among the different professional groups in interprofessional teams? i.e do all professional groups in interprofessional HSC teams agree with the collective leadership model?

4.What  effective strategies can HSC organisations use to promote shared leadership in interprofessional HSC team?

  1. How can HSC organisations evaluate levels of shared leadership in their inetrprofessional teams?

Scope: The investigation and report will only cover the identified questions

Process and procedures undertaken:

  1. A systematic and comprehensive review of the literature to identify the potential benefits of shared leadership, factors that may hinder its implementation and evidence-based strategies to enhance shared leadership.
  2. Appraisal, critique and synthesis of the literature retrieved.
  3. Personal observation of shared leadership behaviour and levels of social interactions and personal relationships among members of interprofessional teams in the healthcare setting.


limitations: The report does not measure the levels of collective leadership in HSC organisations.


Collective leadership can improve team effectiveness, team performance, staff satisfaction and service outcomes.

Collective leadership in interdisciplinary HSC teams can be developed.


Recommendations to facilitate shared or collective leadership:

  1. Develop individual leadership skills through training and coaching
  2. INvolve team members in decision making.
  3. Promote social cohesion and shared responsibility
  4. Empower team members.
  5. Top leadership should adopt transformational and collaborative leadership styles.
  6. Coach team members in shared leadership.

7.Use team members in shared leadership.

8.Use team building approaches to develop team working skills.

  1. Review hierarchial structures, promote and maintain non-hierarchial horizontal structures.
  2. Communicate goals and any necessary information effectively.


Identify specific and achievable inter-professional leadership issues. Detail the processes and procedures personally undertaken, solutions offered, and outcomes achieved (1,500 words). 


    • Importance and the roles of the Health care Team
    • Benefits of interprofessional communication and collaboration in helping reduce medical errors and improve patient quality of care
    •  What effective and non-effective communication looks like in practice

The present/past situation (the interprofessional issue)

    • Implementing successful interprofessional communication – recognize the barriers to effective communication
    • Review and critic communication research literature that shows interprofessional communication and collaboration does not always occur in a clinical setting.
    • How patient care priorities differ between the professionals and inconsistency in the communication of care needs
    • Discuss and analyze effective communication strategies,
    • The interprofessional team comes from different expertise background so when they encounter each other during MDTs tensions are provoked due to hierarchies.
  • Conclusion
    • The interprofessional health care team are important in the health care system
    • Make complex health care decisions which help in the delivery of best possible care
    • Lack of effective communication and interprofessional collaboration leads to having a significant negative effect on patient safety, quality of care and staff satisfaction.
  • Recommendations
    • Even though there are continuous barriers in effective interprofessional communication and collaboration this can be overcome by continuous training of staff
    • Transparency – learning from previous mistakes and being committed to improve
    • Building meaningful and cooperative interprofessional HSC team, while encouraging relevant information sharing and managing conflict amicably.


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