The introduction of a new large scale information system in an organization may necessitate change in the organization’s working practices.

a) Briefly discuss the issues to be considered in order to manage the organizational change successful. (8 marks)
b) Outline areas of training that may be required by:
1. Senior managers (4 marks)
2. Middle managers (4 marks)
3. Other users of the new system (4 marks)

a) 1. Define the term “electronic data interchange (EDI)” (7 marks)
2. Explain why currently there is growing interest by organizations in EDI (7 marks)

b) Explain the following fault tolerant methods in information systems security:
1. Mirroring (2 marks)
2. Load balancing (2 marks)
3. High availability computing (2 marks)
4. Fault tolerant computer system (2 marks)

c) As systems design reaches its conclusion, a workable plan for the implementation of the system in the organization must be developed.

Outline three activities that should be included in the implementation plan. (3 marks)


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