Attached is my course project. (Use the information from my course project only)

Create a presentation that summarizes your Marketing Plan paper using the outline below.

Effective presentations are professional and to the point. Use a simple design template and stay consistent with effects, fonts, and colors. Include only relevant and essential information. Each slide should be a summary of the topic with a maximum of six lines. Bullet points are acceptable. Animations should not be used and graphics should be limited to two per slide. Double check your spelling, grammar, and punctuation. And be sure to include an on-slide reference for any images, charts, graphs, statistics, quotes, and so forth.

The presentation must be submitted as a Microsoft PowerPoint deck that is 12 slides in length, including one slide summarizing each of the following.

  1. Product Overview
  2. Environmental Scan
  3. Entry Strategy, Segmentation, and Positioning
  4. Brand Development and Management
  5. Product Standardization/Adaptation and Pricing
  6. Foreign Currency Implications
  7. Channel Mix and Management
  8. Integrated Marketing Communications
  9. Sales Management
  10. Organizational Structure
  11. References (Use APA 6th edition format.)

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