ICT outsourcing vs. Cloud Computing


Basically, the border land flanked by ICT outsourcing and Cloud Computing and has for all time been moderately permeable, but currently the Cloud is dynamically delimitating ICT sourcing services (Choudhuri, Maguire and Ojiako 569). Based on the latest research study, it was established that Chief Information Officer (CIOs) are now searching for result-based Cloud agreements from vendors to outsource their systems that are non-differentiated. In succession, this requires improve of internal assimilation expertise’s within in-house IT Departments to change them into commercial Cloud-delivered service brokers (Alderete 304). In essence, the suppleness of the Cloud is altering the dynamics of ICT outsourcing deals. Owing to the pace at which ICT services can be purveyed, CIOs must take in account what degree their In-house ICT department is playing the role of service broker. According to Jain Palvia (5), this indicates that comprehending how the Cloud network for ICT vendors as well as outsourcing suppliers are essential to IT strategies. Statistically, it is evident that nearly 33% of organizations are by now matching ahead to develop their own internal consolidation skills for Cloud-delivered services, even though nearly 40% of the market are unlikely to deal with integration setbacks. In the coming two years, several CIOs will be looking for assistance to incorporate legacy systems with Software as a service (SaaS), which they believe will develop as Cloud strategies (Prado 607).

Nearly all CIOs fancy supple sourcing opportunities, and especially support result-based agreements from organizations providing Cloud services. Bridgman and Willmott (112) posit that whereas the model is excellent, enormous uptake of such contracts types is not likely in the short-run because of vendor’s risk levels as well as shortage of skill from both sourcing as well as procurement advisors. Over 50% of CIOs surveyed recently, admitted that they anticipate their in-house ICT capability to offer a service integration basis and expertise to offer business dexterity around application of Cloud computing services, as none desired to outsource its services (Midwinter 96). Almost 75% of CIOs interviewed in Alderete (328) preferred using platform for business service either for the reason that it would provide the most lucrative resolutions in chosen non-differentiating domains (like Payroll, Procurement, Finance and HR) or since it was employed by their fellow business thespians. Amiri and Oliphant (244) as well note an apparent penchant of wider parallel business services, instead of sector-specific abilities. Furthermore, CIOs are devoted to embrace cost reduction in ICT based services exclusive of restraining organisational growth. Vastly distinguished systems intended to bring about sky-scraping added value, are perceived as excellent for normal Cloud delivery.

Understanding the Basis of ICT Outsourcing

Presently, competitive pressure is mounting incessantly in teaching and research, but the competition nature is distinct to that in the fiscal sector. All together, teachings, research, as well as the competence of in-house management are being affected progressively, either indirectly or indirectly, by increasingly multifaceted ICT settings (Rojko, Lesjak and Vehovar 392). According to Avgerou (134), a logical outcome of this is a mounting propensity of business organizations to allocate essential ICT services to professional, external service vendors in order to concentrate more on their competitors. Mannings (12) posit that by taking advantage of economies of scale and focusing on fundamental services, the contracted suppliers can do similarly excellently or even better as compared to the outsourcing organization by reducing costs and increasing suppleness.

ICT outsourcing is an allotment of certain organization ICT processes to a professional outside service provider and it occurs, especially when the organization has failed to handle all facets of its process within (Bridgman and Willmott 119). Moreover, some procedures are not permanent and the business organization does not aim to employ internal experts to execute the work. In essence, once the job is outsourced to the contractor, they will take the liability of running the tasks and preserving the organization’s benefits. Still, before outsourcing any element of the business to an intermediary purveyor, it is necessary to comprehend the benefits and drawbacks that the outsourcing process comes with. Though ICT outsourcing offers a diversity of gains to the organization, it could as well create complexities if not outsourced to the correct contractor (Rojko, Lesjak and Vehovar 398).

Advantages of ICT Outsourcing

ICT outsourcing permits administration to reschedule the factors to an expert organizations that can get rid of the details; thus, allowing the organization to concentrate on the superior challenges within the business. Classically, the expert corporation that handles the outsourced ICT task has the technical capacity greater to that of the organization and additionally business view outsourcing as a cheap way to develop into other nations and novel markets (Jain Palvia 12). The key benefit for outsourcing is notably decreased operating cost outlays since they compensate the outsourcing corporation a slender amount and is not accountable for the employee’s expenses such as worker benefits the staff of the call centre that offer their support functions and sales service  and payroll taxes employee’s insurance payment (Choudhuri, Maguire and Ojiako 571).

Consequently, organizations in addition save on the equipment software cost and continuous repairs expenses related with service desk. Since the call centre industry is developing tremendously, there is growing competition, which is healthy for both large and small organizations since competition steers costs down for the user of the consistent services provided by means of call centers. Furthermore, sophisticated technologies have also enhanced the quality of service (QoS) that can be comprehended after outsourcing the service desk service. Other advantages that come in with outsourcing include reduced recruitment costs, risk-sharing, focuses on key process instead of the supporting ones, and easier management (Midwinter 101).

Disadvantages of ICT Outsourcing

Essentially, unskilled ICT outsourcing provider can result in more setbacks than benefits for organizations; for instance, employing companies with incompatible services would just squander the money, time, and sweat of the organization. The collapse to decide on decisive issues of clients can bring permanent damage to the business, which may surface due to inferior customer contentment and retention and in the end; this could unconstructively influence the company profile and returns (Avgerou 135). In addition, ICT outsourcing can lead to communication barrier, whereby communication between the provider and the client becomes a problem because of poor services. In essence, organization staff members may have thick tone of voices that are hard to comprehend, or their abilities and expertise are of no use. For instance, conversation with someone speaking an alien language and cannot converse efficiently can be exasperating for clients who might end up displeased and most horrible, discouraged from utilizing the company’s services (Prado 612). Another crucial issue is the cultural differences, which might influence organization connection. Furthermore, this matter can also pose as a setback when it comes to client relevance to the business.

Cloud Computing

The 21st century has been epitomized by so many alterations in almost all facets and means of life. In essence, computerization and e-technology are some of the sectors that have recorded remarkable growth. Presently, Cloud computing is still gaining reputation in the midst of large organizations and small business enterprises. Cloud computing develops a crucial keyword in accelerating information technology businesses, but it possess a distributed architecture established on unfixed nodes, and  safety issues outlined in services based on cloud computing (Dhar 669). In effect, emergence of cloud computing has rapidly changed everyone’s intuition of infrastructure structure, development paradigms, and software delivery. According to Sosa-Sosa and Hernandez-Ramirez (36), pursuing the transformation from mainframe computers to server deployment paradigms, cloud computing contains elements from automatic, utility, and grid computing into an inventive deployment architecture.

Consequently, Cloud computing, a recent development in the IT sector, permits organizations to run application online in what is otherwise referred to as a cloud. The “cloud” promotes sharing of resources within and outside the business setting (Naghavi 599). In addition, cloud acts like a server where an organization can stockpile resources required by the company. However, the main difference between cloud computing and server based technology is that cloud computing permits users to run applications online without the need to download or install them in their computers. Therefore, this makes it appropriate for both users and the service industries to benefit from the high connection speed promoted by cloud computing (Alali and Yeh 13).

Cloud Computing and Its Value

Presently, to compete in the competitive world, organizations need to have an excellent technology and utilize the available resources efficiently to enhance the overall performance. Cloud computing develops a crucial keyword in accelerating information technology businesses, but it possess a distributed architecture established on unfixed nodes, and  safety issues outlined in services based on cloud computing (Mustafee 289). Essentially, emergence of cloud computing has rapidly changed everyone’s intuition of infrastructure structure, development paradigms, and software delivery. Today, cloud computing is achieving heightened popularity, worry are being raise. With the increase in ubiquitous furnishing of resources based computing in the past decades, cloud computing has been founded to provide relevant innovation in distinct manner. According to Yoo (407),  progress of computing history that developed from immense tabulating devices and mainframe architectures that dominantly provided calculating resources through decentralized and transmitted client server structures to computers, and in the end to ubiquitous handheld device. The advancements achieved in the past few decades in computing techniques, particularly in Grid computing permitted introduction of several computing paradigms.

Truong (61) outline these paradigms, and they include utility computing, cyber-infrastructure, ubiquitous computing, e-infrastructure, and Cloud computing. Even though, many scholars believe that these Cloud-established technologies can introduce an effect of radical change in the Internet, actual incorporation of Cloud computing services in business is still way under anticipations. Low, Chen and Wu (1007) posit that transformation from classical business IT paradigms to Cloud-established computing remains the enormous challenge in business platform, despite all the progresses that braced this transformation. Furthermore, intricacy in the available value structures and formula for achieving cost efficiency practices are the primary challenges endured in the Cloud. Wang, Rashid and Chuang (239) believe that intricacy challenge the main factors that contribute to weak business deployment, less sustainability, and low adoption.

Benefits of Cloud Computing

According to Dutta, Peng and Choudhary (41) the ability to measure up services at a minimal warning prevents the need for underused servers in peak demand expectation. Consequently, when a company has unexpected application wedge in computing above its installed volume, then it can plea for more computing resource. Cloud computing provide companies the ability to productively utilize time conveyed computing resources. For instance, internet photo Website Company called Smug-mug has decisive computing workloads throughout the year, but in December and January the needed resources rises to five times the normal workload. In this regard, Cloud computing permits the company to overcome excess needs during those two months without enduring additional costs of hosting a custom infrastructure for the rest of the year (Truong 61). In addition, telecommunication firms can adopt cloud computing easily since they can utilize their present resources such as infrastructure and employees working in distinct fragments of the companies. In addition, cloud computing can be incorporated by organizations on their available infrastructure, which can minimize their capital expenditure (Alali and Yeh 22) Consequently, cloud computing helps companies to re-define their functioning structures existing at the stage where cloud computing is implemented in their business. Furthermore, cloud computing provides  excellent marketing strategies to affect the customers; for instance, If companies adopt cloud computing with suitable enterprise and marketing strategies, they can easily offer efficient cloud service to the customers in short time span.

ICT Outsourcing vs. Cloud Computing

In various ways, Cloud Computing is directly connected to a business theory of outsourcing, whereby a third party offers fundamental elements of ICT service to the organization. To the degree, several of the uncertainty that subsists around the Industry of Cloud Computing is running scared die to this correspondence (Choudhuri, Maguire and Ojiako 572). A lot of the business organizations have originally questioned the ability of Cloud Computing, and if will steer drive them precisely to the similar setbacks and inconsistencies that many experience with their present outsourcing. Conversely, it is imperative to comprehend the dissimilarity flanked by ICT outsourcing and Cloud Computing, bearing in mind the fact that the principle behind outsourcing is straightforward: a third party that will take over the majority if not all of the ICT services in the company (Midwinter 109). On balance, such third parties are far mush skilled at providing ICT services; they can balance procurement across a number of clients, they can as well pioneer experience and knowledge across their client platform. Therefore, this third party is expected to be more competent at offering ICT services as compared to the organizations itself, which fails to perceive them as “main capability”.

On the other hand, Cloud Computing does not essentially predict resources transfer or regulate the service providers, but it permits the business organization to administer the ICT building blocks, offered by other organizations in the similar manner they would their internal infrastructure, but devoid of the setbacks that such multifaceted structural design would usually generate. In other words, nearly all the ICT outsourcing benefits are achieved while using Cloud Computing, devoid of the majority of setbacks (Dhar 671). What’s more control is maintained, the price of changing suppliers is little, and the commitment and risk profile and for the business are negligible. Low, Chen and Wu (1011) posit that the Arcus Global portal that is presently under development, will permit an improved control level over all facets of cloud wherewithal, with implements to enhance a rapid shift of supplier if needed. Basically, ICT administration will observe a simple control panel which will permit them to set up, or uninstall any element of an application or resource whenever they desire (Sosa-Sosa and Hernandez-Ramirez 37).

Cloud Computing Drawbacks

Presently, there are many challenges that need solution before deciding whether cloud computing is a viable choice for the business. According to Sosa-Sosa and Hernandez-Ramirez (41), companies are justified to be wary of the physical control loss of the information fed on the cloud. Hitherto, bearing in mind the fact those providers failed to assure the company data location on indicated set of servers in an indicated location. Arguably, Mustafee (291) claims that cloud computing service providers are incorporating measures rapidly with the aim of trying to solve this menace. For instance, Amazon Web Services has of late unveiled the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud that permits an enterprise to integrate its existing infrastructure to several alienated Amazon Web Services computing resources through a virtual private network connection. Furthermore, to fulfill the EU data regulations act, Amazon Web Services presently permits companies to explore physically its uncomplicated database structured storage within the European Union perimeter (Wang, Rashid and Chuang 241). In addition, the Cloud product generated by Google for governments is a reaction to calm concerns from government entities concerning the data location. Essentially, large companies are concerned about trusting mission-vital applications to a cloud-computing model where providers fail to perform high quality service and the present guarantees that are demanded in such settings. Besides, companies have a restricted research after adopting Cloud computing such that they do not have  workers with needed experience and expertise  in the field of Cloud computing. In addition, training skills are needed for the employees to comprehend Cloud computing, and Connection cost is extremely high for new entrant in this field (Truong 62).


Security Threats in Cloud Computing

Perilously, cloud implementation frequently contains progressive safety technologies, mostly available because of information centralization and universal structure. In its quintessence, cloud computing has the ability to address numerous shortcomings endured by traditional architectures due to its unique attributes (Low, Chen and Wu 1021). Authenticity is the fundamental aspect of information security, and it posits that assets can be altered only through authorized channels based on data, hardware, and software. According to Truong (64), data authenticity refers to safeguarding information from unauthorized annihilation, fabrication, or modification. Administering an entity’s rights and admittance to certain business resources, guarantees that valuable information and services are not stolen, abused, or misappropriated. Wang, Rashid and Chuang (242) believe that by preventing unlicensed access, companies can attain enormous confidence in the system and information authenticity. Furthermore, such mechanisms provide enormous visibility into deciding who or what may have changed system or data information, possibly influencing their accountability. In this regard, a cloud-computing provider is entrusted to sustain data authenticity and precision, but the cloud paradigm on its part presents several threats entailing complicated insider attacks on these data characteristics. On the other hand, software authenticity refers to safeguarding software from unlicensed annihilation, fabrication, or theft, which can be either intentional or unintentional. In this regard, cloud-computing providers incorporate a set of application programming interface (APIs) that customers utilize to administer and communicate with cloud services. Based on this perspective, Yoo (411) asserts that the security of cloud services relies heavily on interfaces security as unlicensed user gaining access to them could fabricate or alters them.

Furthermore, in cloud computing, accountability for software’s authenticity protection is conveyed to the owner of the software. Hardware authenticity is a supplemental challenge that requires the cloud provider to address since he is weighed down with protecting hardware from fabrication, theft, or modification. Yoo (416) defines confidentiality as permission to authorized parties to gain access to protected information/data. Still, cloud provides a platform for infringement of data due to heightened number of devices, parties, and applications, which will lead to an increased number of access points. Arguably, Truong (62) claim that authorizing data control to the cloud, conversely leads to a rise in the risk based on data infringement as the data becomes attainable to an increased number of parties, which give rise to issues such as multi-tenancy, application discretion and security, and data remanence. On its part, multi-tenancy refers to cloud attributes of resource sharing such as programs, memory, and data. Essentially, cloud computing is established on business paradigm in which resources are divided at the host level, network level, and application level (Rojko, Lesjak and Vehovar 401). On the other hand, multi-tenancy refers to an operating system multitasking, which is a technique through which diverse processes or tasks share similar processing resources such as system unit. According to Naghavi (601), multi-tasking presents numerous confidentiality and discretion threats such as object reusability, which is a vital attribute in cloud infrastructure, and can generate a serious vulnerability. Data remanence refers to the sediments presentation of information that has been erased because of lack of hardware separation amid several users on a single infrastructure.

Why ICT Outsourcing

The essential rationale of ICT outsourcing is to generate value and its core premise is principally steered by work performed by Bridgman and Willmott (116), who posited that organizations must administer their wherewithal by optimization of transaction cost drawn in ICT outsourcing. To all intents and purposes, ICT outsourcing functions on the theory that there is a possibility to decrease the entire ownership cost, carry off the setbacks of running non-fundamental ICT tasks, whilst bringing in novel, high value operations which will allow user competence and organization nimbleness.  The capability of a firm to outsource it ICT infrastructure relies on numerous aspects such as organization’s culture, its capacity to administer vendor-customer relationships, people administration, and security capabilities. This is to an extent that it seems the outsourcing question pertains to the organization’s subsistence itself (Prado 616). A different viewpoint is offered by Dhar (672), who affirms that the previous setback of describing an organization’s boundary is a significant constituent of ICT outsourcing. According to Choudhuri, Maguire and Ojiako (573), this is particularly evident as the organization’s very subsistence relies on the CIOs’ insight on what is to be generated within, what is to be acquired externally as well as the organisational efficiency needed to brace the needed revolution.

What’s more, organizations may outsource their ICT infrastructure where cost is inferior as compared to the internal production cost. Besides, most organizations consider outsourcing their ICT infrastructure and bracing processes when they are sure their in-house IT departments lack the needed ICT know-how (Midwinter 111). In fact, outsourcing ICT has to be steered by firm’s need to realize organisational competencies.  Basically, there are numerous rationales why ICT outsourcing is well-liked. For instance, Alderete (307) outlines an insight in the midst of organizations that ICT outsourcing offers a chance for firms to access experienced and inexpensive wherewithal. Jain Palvia (18) suggests that a number of organizations see ICT outsourcing as a way of dealing with a rapid varying technology, while Midwinter (97) point to firms being familiar with the specialization benefits which is improved by eliminating non-fundamental tasks from the center of the firm’s functionalities. However, it is imperative to note that not every ICT outsourcing plan is prosperous, and more than 44% of ICT outsourcing clients keenly weighing chances of shifting to cloud computing.

Cloud Computing Prospect

Company operators can integrate the network reserve and functions on a single shared base contrary to previously where they were aligned individually. Furthermore, deploying all the company’s attributes on shared base can assist the company to provide service based on demand, reliability and can minimize the company’s capital expenditure and operational expenditure cost. According to Armbrust, Fox and Griffith (52), with cloud computing companies can generate novel services on the infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) single shared base. In addition, small-medium enterprises (SMEs) companies can penetrate the market difficulty as the services can be provided in the cloud without investing in developing the infrastructure itself. Moreover, companies can use Amazon S3or EC2 services to offer services, and companies can provide services required by the utilization has heighted drastically in the past few years. Thus, company can offer services from the cloud directly with assistance from application service providers (ASPs), Network Authentication, and Authorization Service (NAAS) (Amiri and Oliphant 247). Yoo (411) believes that companies can merge with the cloud service providers to try to reduce the load of administering the resources. Consequently, virtualization idea can assist the company to place user information in the data centers.


In conclusion, for ICT projects, alterations in the business setting, both at an organisational level and on a project level, have inflicted a major influence based on how companies contemplate their prospect management of resource. Presently, there is an augmented recognition that worldwide markets have experienced regulatory transitions. In the ICT sector, for the bigger service suppliers and providers, there a major stress on decreasing the projects transaction cost particularly with more antagonistic opposition from smaller software firms who are known as having lesser expenses. Consequently, so as to have competitive edge over other competitors, most organizations have decided to outsource their ICT services. Unmistakably, ICT outsourcing has been verified helpful to many business organizations, but there are noteworthy setbacks: the third party characteristically takes the ICT competence and skills far from the company and during the process; it is complex to administer the association with the supplier. Irrefutably, Cloud computing is one of the latest technological developments in the IT field and has revolutionized many businesses in the twenty first century cloud computing brace information systems as the advantages outnumber its deficiency. In addition, cloud computing provides deployment architecture that can address shortcoming identified in traditional information system, but its dynamic attributes can prevent the effectiveness of traditional measures. What’s more, employing trusted umpire in the cloud computing assists to establish the required trust level and offer ideal resolution to maintain the integrity, confidentiality, and authenticity of information systems. Cloud computing improves predictability, optimizes operations by minimizing manual work, and improves cross discipline collaboration and communication. Going by the arguments put forward, cloud computing is undoubtedly the future for businesses in the 21st century, and in the technology world cloud computing is changing rapidly changing. In this regard, cloud computing may seem to be the feature at the current technology.


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