Before completing this exercise please open review 15 from the Software Development Life Cycle presentation. The use of key words differentiate an algorithm from pseudocode. Algorithms use plain English terms that read like a sentence. Pseudocode uses computer-like commands (like “Declare” and “Display”) as well as mathematical operators (like =,+,…). For this assignment:

  1. Write an algorithm to calculate a user’s gross weekly pay.
  2. Write the pseudocode for the program, based on the above algorithm, to calculate the user’s gross weekly pay and display it.

Things to consider:

  • The formula to calculate a user’s gross weekly pay is their weekly hours worked multiplied by their hourly pay rate.

e.g. 40 hours worked x $10 an hour = $400

  • How will you get the data values and where will they be stored?
  • How many variables will your program need?
  • What are the input and output values?
  • What processing is required to get the output

Please submit your work as a Microsoft Word document with the naming convention CMSY-172-N09X_FirstInitialLastName_CE# (i.e. CMSY-172-090_MQuinn_CE1 – replacing the X with your section and the # with the exercise number).

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