Assessment 2: Becoming a Better Manager. Due date As specified in the ‘Summary of Assessment’ section, above.Weighting As specified in the ‘Summary of Assessment’ section, above.Length and Format Total 1800 words plus a 15 minute presentation.Assessment Details Management Skills is a subject devoted to learning about yourself withthe goal of becoming a better manager of yourself and of others.Each lesson is focused on a set of skills designed to help you achieve thatgoal.In this assessment, you will, step-by-step, select three specific skills fromthe lessons that you wish to improve for yourself.Ten days before the due dates for Parts A, B and C, you will nominate aspecific skill during class.On the due dates for for Parts A, B and C, you will submit a personallyreflective essay about the skill you chose to improve, how you havebecome more self-aware in relation to that skill, and how you haveimproved yourself in relation to that skill.Part A, B, C• What skill from our lessons to you plan to personally improve?• Explain what this skill means to you and how you believe it willhelp you be a better manager.• Explain what you did to improve your ability to perform this skill.Part D• Give a presentation in class about your personal skills relating tothis subject and how you have improved them.Dates:Thursday 26th August• Advise Geoff, in class, of your Part A skill.Sunday 12th September• Submit your Part A to Canvas (500-600 words).

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