Individual Assignment
Q1: Based on your knowledge of the concepts covered in first three chapters including introductory slides, present your self-reflection on any two most important concepts you learned in this course which you did not know before. How this knowledge would make your better entrepreneur for the future? In answering this question, you cannot mention anything from Table 2.1 (chapter 2) because it relates to question 2.
Q2. Recall our discussion on distinguishing entrepreneurially managed firms from traditionally managed firms (Table 2.1 in chapter 2). In this regard, we covered 8 conceptual dimensions which show the difference between Entrepreneurial Focus and Administrative Focus. For example Conceptual Dimension is Strategic Orientation and the corresponding Entrepreneurial Focus relates to “driven by perception of opportunity” and Administrative Focus relates to “driven by controlled resources”. Similarly, we have other 7 conceptual dimensions. For details, see Table 2.1 in chapter 2.
Apart from those 8 conceptual dimensions in Table 2.1, would you suggest additional conceptual dimensions which could also show the differences between entrepreneurially and traditional managed firms? Why or why not? Provide the justification of your point of view in this regard. Do not mention any point which you have already mentioned answering

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