Task 2: Question (20 Assume you are going to design a train ticket booking system. In your system, a train can serve different routes. For example, train No. 1 can serve both route which is from Boston to New York and route 2 which is from Orlando to Miami. Each route has one or multiple schedules. Each schedule has scheduled day (Monday, Tuesday, or Sunday), time and price. For example, a schedule of route Boston at 8:00am and arrive New York at 10:00am on Mondays with price $10.00. For the simplicity, a train will not stop anywhere between the start and destination stations. A client can multiple tickets from the system. ticket, it will show train station and time, destination station and time, calendar date and price. Please design an ER diagram, write all the necessary entities and necessary attributes for each entity in your ER diagram. Please make sure the design satisfies the 3NF. Please underline the primary keys using single lines and foreign keys using double lines,

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