
specifies that a pharmacist must be able to work effectively with others, whilst managing their own contribution to the task.

This task requires TWO artefacts to be produced. The first is a collaboratively researched and developed Brief Report for the patient’s doctor and the second is patient education and management decision-tree or flow diagram outlining the information that you will present to the patient.

In addition, you and your group need to provide evidence of participation in at least TWO face-to-face meetings and the agreed tasks and responsibilities.


You and your group you will be expected to demonstrate excellent time management skills (as expected in the National Competencies) by:

No fewer than five key JOURNAL references that you intend to cite in your brief report to the patient’s doctor

Submitting a professionally researched and written brief report and patient education and management decision tree or flow diagram in Word



In the case you select you need to identify and respond to the following:

  • General or contextual information about the patient
  • Chief complaint or issue
  • Medical and medication history (as available)
  • Proposed suggestions/plan

Follow up checks or tests



Patient Vignette (Margaret Talbot)

NB: In my group I am in charge of multiple sclerosis ONLY!

Margaret is 68 years of age living in a larger rural community with good access to health professionals. She has smoked all her adult life and her GP would like her to at least cut down and preferably stop. Margaret smokes 10 cigarettes daily usually associated with meals where she drinks coffee which she greatly enjoys.

She lives with the following health issues:

  • Multiple Sclerosis -fatigue and balance issues predominant
  • Unable to manage her medications successfully
  • Smoking
  • Osteoporosis (subsequent to a fractured neck of femur and hip replacement 6 months earlier)

Margaret, who is widowed and has no family living close by, is finding it very difficult to manage her many medications.  She is struggling to understand her osteoporosis, and also how to manage her Multiple Sclerosis which has affected her balance.Recently she has started using a wheeled walker having progressed from a walking stick. She is looking to learn to manage her health issues more effectively and stay safely in her own home for as long as possible. Margaret is lactose intolerant and is struggling to consume adequate calcium in her diet. Her GP has suggested that she seek your help.


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