Assignment purposes: 

  • To critically analyze the CSR initiatives within major organization and to assess their effectiveness.
  • To understand various CSR approaches and determine which approaches are most authentic and impactful
  • Assess the impact of CSR on the organization’s principles such as missions, reputation, management and communication strategy
  • Explore the business, societal, environmental and ethical issues regarding this organization’s CSR programs
  • To utilize, assess and synthesize research in a coherent and logical manner.
  • To polish written and oral communication skills.



  • Research, write and present a comprehensive paper and presentation about a major corporation with specific focus on its CSR initiatives and issues.
  • Deliverables include
  1. Written paper in APA or MLA academic style
  2. Outline of recommended NEW CSR plan for the company. This should include changes and/or additions to the organization’s CSR operations

III.  PowerPoint presentation to be shared orally with the class at the end of the semester


Part I Research Paper

  • Abstract/executive summary and introduction
  • Corporate overview of business
  • Use headings, subheadings throughout your paper (See grading sheet for details re. appropriate sections)
  • Use professional communication business style (NEVER use first person)
  • Type papers 12 point Times New Roman font, 1.5 spacing with standard margins (one inch on each side).
  • Length: As long as it takes to successfully create a comprehensive paper and presentation utilizing the required number of credible sources.  This is 25% of your grade, so a quality paper is generally 12-15 pages, NOT including the reference citation list.
  • Citations: Follow the America Psychological Association (APA) Guide to Style THROUGHOUT the document and on your end of paper reference list! Available free on our library web pages.   You CANNOT earn an A if you do not properly cite sources.
  • VISIT THE ACADEMIC SUCCESS CENTER: Raubinger Hall, Lower Level 973-720-2563 Monday – Friday 8:30 – 5:15 and Saturdays by appointment. Academic Success Center can help with your research papers, from finding quality sources to copy editing to citations.   They also provide tutoring, stress-support, time management help, study support and much, much more.
  • The Writing Center ( provides one-on-one tutoring for any WPU student working on any kind of writing in any stage of development.  They work with students on writing issues such as outlining, citations, organization, style, transitions, and grammar. The center also helps with editing and proofreading. Make an appointment at, or stop by Atrium 128 or VR 3048.


Reference requirements (you must use 6-10 sources):

  • You must use at least 2 scholarly sources as part of your research (so start there!).
  • You must use at least 1 book written by or about CSR and/or organization.
  • You may use digital (TV, etc.) and internet sources (corporate CSR reports, Global Reporting Initiative documents, web sites, etc., but be sure to accurately vet and cite these sources)
  • You may use CREDIBLE business or trade publications, trade media, news sources or other articles.
  • Our library is the best starting point for you. You can certainly use it remotely to find your scholarly articles and business articles, but it may require a trip to take out and read the actual books.


Part II CSR Plan Recommendations (1-2 pages)

  • Create a recommendation plan to improve the organization’s CSR initiatives. Plan elements should include:
    • Revised vision/mission, CSR strategy and tactical initiatives
    • The CSR plan recommendations may include one or more areas where the organization might show improvement (environment, social, human rights, employee relations, etc.


Part III Oral Presentation:

  • Limit yourself to 7-10 minutes (approx. 10 slides)
  • Use handouts, video, PowerPoint as appropriate


Some preliminary sources for review (do NOT limit yourself to this list):  There are dozens of viable references at the end of each of your chapters!




Scholarly Journals (when searching Library databases select “scholarly / peer review”):


  • Corporate Social – Responsibility and Environmental Management
  • Survey on Management Education : Corporate Social Responsibility and Poverty‎
  • Corporate responsibility management
  • Corporate Communications
  • Corporate Governance
  • Review of Business
  • The Journal of Consumer Marketing
  • Corporate Reputation Review
  • Journal of Business Ethics



Books (our library has many more….use the WPU resources and CSR library guide!):


  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Opposing Viewpoints
  • Reputation Management: The Key to Successful Public Relations and Corporate Communication
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Sustainable Value: How the World’s Leading Companies are Doing Well by Doing Good
  • The Debate over Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Corporate impact: measuring and managing your social footprint
  • Corporate Social Responsibility for Irresponsibility
  • A handbook of corporate governance and social responsibility
  • Key concepts in corporate social responsibility
  • Making corporate social responsibility a global concern norm construction in a globalizing world
  • NGOs and social responsibility
  • Reframing corporate social responsibility
  • The responsible business: reimagining sustainability and success
  • Strategic corporate social responsibility: stakeholders in a global environment 
  • Sustainable economy corporate, social and environmental responsibility


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