Strategic planning involves a shift from seeing human resources as liabilities to that of assets to an organization.
After reading the materials for this module, view the video at entitled “When Barry met Sammy – A Funny View of Human Resources and Knowledge Management.”
Afterward, read the following scenario and answer the questions (based on the text and the video) and respond to at least two other person’s remarks (5 pts):
The interview panel has thoroughly interviewed you for the job and concludes with something found in your text — “Put yourself in the place of a public employee, either hypothetical or real. As a public employee, or a future public employee, how do you wish to be categorized, as an “asset” or a “cost”? Are you the equivalent of an appreciating piece of property or are you a liability to be minimized? Do you like these categories: assets and costs? The key question is where the heart and soul of employees fits into a picture of strategic human “capital” management – if at all.” After answering those questions, tell the panelists how this would impact what you do if hired as the Director.