Is anyone willing to write an argumentative essay on gun control?

Essay description below

General Information

·       Length & Format: minimum of 4, Maximum of 6 pages; double-spaced, 1500-2500 words; double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font MLA format with citations.

Include in your essay:

·      A clear thesis and argument that are well thought out and backed up with evidence.

·      A set of reasons stating why the writer’s position is valid.

·      Evidence to support the reasons. The evidence should be appropriate for the audience and context, and the evidence must include a research component. Counter-argument paragraph required before the conclusion paragraph.

·      Awareness of opposing viewpoints. These opposing viewpoints can be responded to in multiple ways: acknowledgment, accommodation, and refutation.

·      MLA format required. Citation page at the end of essay.

  • Minimum of 3 sources needed.

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