1.The length of standard working time for office staff differs from one organization to the other.

(a) Name and explain any four determinants of the length of working time for office staff.(8 marks)

(b) Argue the case for and against flexible working hours in an organization.(12 marks)

2.(a) Briefly explain the steps to follow when installing a mechanized system of office procedures in an office.(10 marks)

(b) List the indicators of a poorly managed registry in an organization.(10 marks)

3.An effective office manager seeks to understand factors that shape the ethical behavior of employees and consequently take steps to ensure that employees make ethical choices.

(a) Briefly explain the importance of upholding ethical behavior in a workplace.(10 marks)

(b) Summarize five factors that influence the ethical behavior of employees in a workplace.(10 marks)

4.(a) Differentiate between a leasehold and freehold interest in property,with reference to acquisition of office premises.(12 marks)

(b) Citing suitable examples,explain the covers provided by the following types of insurance:

(i) Business interruption insurance.(4 marks)

(ii) Professional insurance.(4 marks)

5.(a) Explain the following terms:

(i) Formal organization.(3 marks)

(ii) Informal organization.(3 marks)

(b) State the measures that should be put in place by an office manager in order to reduce:

(i) Internal noise in the office.(10 marks)

(ii) External noise in the office.(4 marks)






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