International Business Study:

The purpose of this assignment is to:

· Allow you to apply your understanding and knowledge of international business concepts by explaining how they influence a company’s decision to conduct business in foreign countries.

· Familiarize you with information sources for international business, foreign countries, and their business cultures.

· Practice and improve effective business communication skills.

This project requires you to conduct an analysis and identify they key information needed to support a recommendation about a company’s plans to launch a business in a foreign country.

The study submission will include a 4-6 page, doubled spaced, properly cited using at least 5 separate sources, written paper using 12 pt Times New Roman font and 1-inch margins (APA 7th edition style) and a 10-minute slide presentation with recorded narration.

The study will be based on research and analysis of relevant issues pertaining to the environment of the target country–such as social/cultural, economic, political/legal, and technological factors–and issues pertaining to the consumer, the product/service, marketing, and competition.

Grading Rubric:

This assignment will be evaluated along these nine areas:

Powerpoint visual design & narration
Powerpoint organization
Powerpoint content
Product/service description
Country environment analysis
Entry mode analysis
Market analysis
Overall viability of study
Technical writing & citations

International Business Study Assignment Description

The purpose of this assignment is to:

· Allow you to apply your understanding and knowledge of international business concepts by explaining how they influence a company’s decision to conduct business in foreign countries.

· Familiarize you with information sources for international business, foreign countries, and their business cultures.

· Practice and improve effective business communication skills.

This project requires you to conduct an analysis and identify the key information needed to support a recommendation about a company’s plans to launch a business in a foreign country.

The study submission will include a 4-6 page, double spaced, properly cited using at least 5 separate sources, written paper using 12 pt Times New Roman font and 1-inch margins (APA 7th edition style), and a 10-minute slide presentation with recorded narration.

The study will be based on research and analysis of relevant issues pertaining to the environment of the target country–such as social/cultural, economic, political/legal, and technological factors–and issues pertaining to the consumer, the product/service, marketing, and competition.

The assignment includes several tasks:

· Create an imaginary company and identify the product or service you will introduce in the foreign market.

· Identify the foreign country where you will launch your new venture.

· Determine and describe the intended level of international involvement;

· Researching, describe, and analyze relevant issues about environmental factors:

· social/cultural and/or economic and/or political/legal and/or technological environments of the target country

· consumers

· marketing

· competitors

· Create report and presentation selling the idea to senior management.

In the introduction, give a brief overview of the venture by addressing the following questions:

· What company within which industry group has been selected for the foreign business venture? Why?

· What products or services are being considered for sale?

· What country has been selected for the venture? Why?

· Is this a new venture?

· What level of involvement is being considered?

· Does the company have experience in international trade? Explain.

· What issues will be examined? Why are they the most important?

In the body of the paper provide facts, supporting data, and analysis of relevant issues involving the foreign business venture addressing the following questions:

· Who are the intended consumers/customers? Describe the basis for selected customers.

· What product/service will be sold? Why?

· How will the product/service be marketed?

· Who are the competitors?

Describe and analyze the environmental factors (political, legal, cultural, etc…)

Key issues to consider:

Form/Level of international involvement:

· an increasing degree of commitment of resources and effort by a company to conduct business in another country. From least to most involvement the levels include: exporting and importing, trading companies, licensing and franchising, contract manufacturing, joint ventures and alliances, and direct investment through wholly-owned facilities . Which form will you choose?


· who are the current and/or potential consumers, and on what basis are they going to be segmented: business-to-consumer (age, gender, income, etc.)? business-to-business?

· to what segment is the product/service going to be targeted?


· what is the size of the market segment(s)?

· what is the bargaining and buying power of customers? (does purchase of the good require disposable income?)

· is there a need to modify product/service to meet consumer needs or tastes?

· where will the product/service be sold?

· for what price will the product/service be sold? why and how will it be set?

· what are the channels of distribution?

· how will products/services be promoted? (availability of media and its reach)


· are there existing and/or potential competitors?

· are they native to the country of focus (local) or from other countries (foreign)?

Environmental factors:

· The existence of an appropriately trained and educated workforce (both home and host country) to execute your plan and produce your product/service.

· Whether cultural beliefs and customs exist that affect the use of your product/service.

· Geographical considerations– distance to and from the country; physical barriers in the country.

· Considerations related to obtaining materials for your product/service.

· The existence of the necessary after-market services available to support your product.

· Whether there is adequate infrastructure-transportation, communications, utilities, etc.

· The availability of required technology.

· The significance of economic factors–inflation, interest rates, employment levels.

· The impact of fluctuations in the value of the currency — people’s ability to buy; reduced company profits.

· Prospects for stabilization of the currency.

· Considerations related to government stability, and impacts on relationships with businesses.

· The existence of trade barriers or trade incentives, and legal issues that might affect business.

I wish to give credit to Dr. Carolyn R. Johnson of Arizona State University West for her assignment that is used as a model and template for this assignment.

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