Answer the following essays questions. Your answer will be graded based on organization, clarity and inclusion of appropriate examples to support your answer. Each essay answer should be at least 3 pages (950 words). (Times New Roman/Font 12/ Double Space- Must be submitted through turn-it-it. Submitting via email is NOT accepted). You must answer both questions.
1. What constitutes the most important difference between revolutions and social movements? Analyze the American Revolution against the background of the four major theories considered in this chapter. Which theory or theories can best account for the historical sequence witnessed at the birth of the United States? Explain your answer carefully and be sure to provide evidence in support of your claims.

2. Take the difference between French and German nationalism. How would each of the theories of nationalism’s emergence explain the histories of these cases? What might each theory say about why French nationalism is often considered “civic” and German nationalism “ethnic”?
3.Does democracy make a material difference in people’s lives? What evidence is there that democracy is associated with better well-being? Does democracy do better than all autocracies? Is it democracy per se, or particular aspects of polities that seem to be associated with better material outcomes?

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