An introduction (300 words):


  • Topic (100 words): The worldview you are interested in exploring and how it relates to the concepts learned in our class. Why does this topic interest you?
  • Research (100 words):
    • What did you know about this worldview before doing your research?
    • What have you learned from your research into this worldview? Has it made you think about the worldview differently or consider assumptions you had about the worldview? Explain your answer.
    • What did you discover that surprised you or interested you? Did it leave you with questions?
  • Reflection (100 words):

After doing your research, in what ways can you understand or relate to:

  • The worldview studied in our class
  • The worldview you are comparing it to.



Bibliographical Information: You will provide all the pertinent information about your sources in MLA format. Please pay careful attention to formatting so that I have all the necessary information about your sources.

You should have at least four reliable secondary sources for this project. Specifically, you should have:

  • At least two sources from the Dawson Library databases.
  • At least two other sources (from newspapers, magazines, books, or the databases.)

Guidelines for sources: 

  • Note – you only need three sources for your final paper. I am asking for four sources here in case there is an issue with one of them.
  • Each source should be at least 750 words in length.
  • You will use your sources to give you information about the worldview you are comparing to Arthurian Britain. You may not use sources about King Arthur or anything else we learned about in class.


Summaries (4-5 sentences each): After each citation, summarize the source in your own words. Use phrases such as “the author argues…” or “according to x…” summarize each source. Begin by stating the main idea, then list the key points.  Your summary should be written in your own words without quoting.


Quote and explanation: After your summary, give a quote or paraphrase from the source.

Consider which part of the text you need to quote/paraphrase in order to support your claim. Explain in 3-4 sentences how the source will contribute to your research and why the chosen quote or paraphrase is relevant to your topic.

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