Case Instructions

Overall Instructions

1. When using material from the chapter, outline, and/or lectures, remember that you do not

have to cite any material quoted from these sources in this course.

2. Each case is an INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT, not a group assignment. I expect your answers to be your own thoughts and written in your own words! (See the discussion in

your Syllabus regarding ECU’s Academic Integrity Policy.)

3. Save your file as a Word 2003 document (“.doc”), Word 2007 document (“.docx”), Word

2010 document (“.docx”), Word 2013 (“.docx”) or in “rtf” format. DO NOT USE




4. Save the file as “CaseX” and then your last name, first name initial, and middle initial. For

example, my last name is obviously “Jones,” my first name initial is “C,” and my middle

initial is “C.” Therefore, I would save my Case 1 file as “Case1ScottMD”; my Case 2 file as

“Case2ScottMD”; and my Case 3 file as “Case3ScottMD.” If you do not have a middle

name, enter your first name initial twice. If you have more than one middle name, use the

initial of your first middle name only. DO NOT LEAVE SPACES IN YOUR FILE

NAME because it prevents me from properly archiving your file.

5. Type your answers according to the “Formatting Instructions” above. (Instructor’s Note:

Failure to following the format when completing this assignment can cost you a significant

number of points). Then, save your file according to instructions 3 – 4 above,

PROOFREAD YOUR PAPER (grammatical errors in your paper can cost you significant

points), then submit it BEFORE the deadline as shown on your Blackboard Calendar.

6. Submit your file by clicking on the “Exercise/Case Assignments” Tab in the left-hand frame

in Blackboard. Then click on the assignment titled “Case X” and scroll down until you see

the words “Attach File” and the buttons to the right titled “Browse My Computer” and

“Browse Course.” Click the “Browse My Computer” button and attach your file (DO NOT

type your answer to this exercise in the “Submission” text box). When you see that your file

has been properly attached, click the “Submit” button. (To access each case assignment

you must have scored at least a 90% on Chapter 10’s Practice Quiz.)


Formatting Instructions

Step 1: Ethical Issue(s) (10 points) 1. Use one paragraph to tell me what your ethical issue is and why? If you have more than one

ethical issue, write and explain each issue in a separate paragraph?

2. In the first sentence of your paragraph, simply tell me what the ethical problem/issue was in

this case without explaining why?

3. In the next sentences of your paragraph, describe the ethical issue using information from

your book, outlines, and/or lectures? Also state the chapter from your book that supports

your answer? (Note: Ethical issues in the cases you do in this class will come from

Chapters 5 – 10.) 4. In the next sentences of your paragraph, use facts from the case to support your answer?

5. In the final sentence of your paragraph, use a concluding sentence to wrap everything up?

6. CAUTION: Do not make any decisions at this time. You are simply identifying and

explaining the ethical issue(s) facing you as the decision-maker at this point. In addition, do

not discuss ethical issues facing others in the case—again, I am only concerned with

whether you can identify the issues facing you as the decision-maker.

Step 2: Stakeholder Analysis (10 points) 1. Starting with the decision-maker (you), identify and list in sentence form ALL your

stakes in the decision to be made. Stakes are what you hope to gain, fear losing, or want

given the situation and the decision or decisions you must eventually make. THEY ARE


2. Identify the other key stakeholders as specifically as possible and then identify and list in

sentence form NO MORE THAN TWO important stakes facing each key stakeholder. Key

stakeholders are individuals or groups that are essential to solving the ethical issue(s)

identified in Step 1 above. (Instructor’s Hint: They are usually, but not always, mentioned in

the case so use that as a starting point.)

3. Explain each stake for each stakeholder in a separate sentence and make sure you use

complete, grammatically correct sentences.

4. SEQUENTIALLY NUMBER YOUR STAKES (see the sample case and answers).

Step 3: Decision(s) and Analysis Decision(s) (10 points)

1. Determine what the most ethical decision or decisions are that resolve all of the ethical

issues you identified in Step 1. List and describe each decision in a separate paragraph

labeling them sequentially (e.g., Decision #1, Decision #2, etc.) as shown in the sample case

and answers.

2. VERY IMPORTANT: Make sure you do not make alternate decisions. Alternate

decisions are “either-or” decisions. For example, if I stated in the sample case that my

Decision #1 was to lay off one-third of the sewers and my Decision #2 was to cut all sewers’

pay by one-third, these would be alternate decisions in this case. There is no way to

implement both decisions at the same time and, therefore, no way to analyze which decision

is the most ethical.

3. After listing and describing all of your decisions, explain how they resolve all of the ethical

issues you identified in Step 1 of the case.


Nonconsequentialist Analysis of Decisions (10 points)

1. Review all of the 26 SUBCHARACTERISTICS identified on the Six Pillars of Character

Outline in Chapter 2 (i.e., ones with an “(S)” after them) asking yourself if any ONE of your

decisions violates that subcharacteristic. If any one of your decision(s) violates a

subcharacteristic, it is not an ethical decision using a nonconsequentialist analysis. For

example, if I decided to immediately layoff 1000 sewers in the sample case, that decision

violates the WARN Act and violates the lawfulness subcharacteristic. That decision would

not be an ethical decision and I would need to start over.

2. If none of your decision(s) violates one of the 26 subcharacteristics, then choose the

STRONGEST FOUR subcharacteristics that you feel support your decision(s) as being the

most ethical.

3. In a separate paragraph for each subcharacteristic:

A. First, type the name of the subcharacteristic with a “:” after it.

B. Second, copy and paste the EXACT definition of the subcharacteristic used in the Six

Pillars of Character Outline.

C. Third, explain in detail how a specific decision or decisions uphold the

subcharacteristic identified.

Consequentialist Analysis of Decisions (10 points)

1. BASED ON YOUR DECISIONS ABOVE, categorize every stake identified in Step 2 as

either a cost, a benefit, or part cost and benefit. DO NOT RE-NUMBER YOUR STAKES.

2. Categorize any additional costs and benefits generated by your decisions.

3. Analyze your costs and benefits identified in #1 and #2 above. Do the benefits outweigh the

costs? If so, your decision(s) are ethical using a consequentialist analysis. If not, your

decision(s) are unethical using a consequentialist analysis and you need to start over.

4. If you believe the benefits outweigh the costs, argue why you believe so in no more than one


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