Assessment 1
Assessment type: Individual written assessment in a report format. Case study assignment (1,000 words)
Purpose: Assessment 1 is a report on systems analysis. The report is designed to assess your practical understanding of systems analysis within a system project. Having analysed the project case study, you are assumed to have a clear insight into the scope of the system analysis within a system development project. Assessment 1 aims to develop your understanding of relevant skills and issues in various aspects of systems analysis. This assessment contributes to learning outcomes a, and b.
Value: 20% Due Date: Week 6 Assessment topic: Modelling system requirements Submission requirements details: Report to be submitted on Moodie by Sunday of Week 6, 11:55pm.
Task Details: A hotel has recently switched to online booking system. The online room booking system facilitates the customers to book the rooms and pay the bill online. Through the hotel website, anyone can search for the available rooms and can book them. At the time of booking, the system will check whether the user is existing or new. In case of new user, the customer will enter his/her personal information for creating an account. In turn he/she will be provided with system generated unique ID and password. This login information could be used for further transactions.
You as system analyst, working for this new hotel, need to analyze and design a booking system that should be able to perform tasks like adding/creating new users, checking for available room, their types (single, double, family), calculating the booking cost and all other booking related transactions. Existing users should be able to update their personal details and cancel/change the bookings. Hotel administration should be able to add, delete or modify the information about the rooms and any special offers associated to each room.

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