Bachelor of Information Technology
Knowledge Management Systems – Report & Presentation
Write a research report, of 1600 words in length, paper analysing an organisation’s use of knowledge management systems, including:
– how data is captured
– how data is managed
– how data is used
– ethical and legal issues associated with the capturing of data.
The assignment is in two parts (Part A, worth 20% and Part B, worth 20%) + Oral Presentation (10%)
Part A: KM System Evaluation for an Organisation – Part A Report (20%)
In the first part of this assignment, you would provide a report evaluating an organisation’s use of knowledge management systems. It consists of addressing the following questions for an organisation, which could be selected as one of the KM case scenarios discussed in class:
a) What are the goals of this organisation – what problem(s) are they trying to address? Which, if any, are KM-related problems? What are the others? Identify the tacit and the explicit knowledge to be addressed for this organization. List both types of knowledge in a table and justify your categorization. What is the company doing well in terms of addressing tacit knowledge? Explicit knowledge? What could they do better to capture and manage data? Provide some recommendations and explain how the company would benefit from them.
b) Position the different aspects of KM at the company on the BTOPP framework (Benefits-Tool-Organization-People-Process). In your opinion, are they headed in the right direction? Are they using effective incentives for knowledge sharing? How will they measure the benefits of having KM in place? What would you recommend to this company and in what order/sequence – what should they tackle first? Why? How would you convince them using an appropriate KM cycle that this is the right step/direction for the use of KM systems?
Week 8 deliverables An electronic copy to be uploaded before Friday 5pm.
This brief report is to be submitted before 5pm, Wednesday Week 7. Evaluation will be based on completeness in answering the questions, demonstrated understanding of the key knowledge management concepts in discussions and justifications, and appropriate use of examples throughout to support your views. Your overall grade will be based on the level of persuasiveness of your arguments, justifications, and positioning. (Note: it is reasonable to include additional questions that you would need to carry out your KM evaluation work.)
Part B: KM System Recommendations for an Organisation – Part B Report (20%)
In the second part, you will identify at least one KM initiative for the organisation chosen in Part A, and provide at least three recommendations for the use of KM systems with illustrated data.
a) Identify and explain at least one KM initiative underway or planned for the organisation, and place this initiative on the Nonaka & Takeuchi quadrant (or any other KM model).
b) Explain three (3) key recommendations for the use of KM system together with justification for your recommendations through data illustrations and ethical and legal issues addressed.
Note: You are required to use a range of software tools such as SAS Viya, MS Excel, Analytic Solver, etc. for the following:
i) Tacit and explicit knowledge capture and
Bachelor of Information Technology
Knowledge Management Systems – Report & Presentation
ii) Data illustrations of the use of KM systems for your recommended KM initiative. Measurements such as System Metrics, Output Metrics and Outcome Metrics could be adopted for evaluating the effectiveness of your KM initiative.
Refer to the workshop textbook and online resources on Moodle for generating data illustrations.
Report requirements:
Your report should be properly formatted to an acceptable level; including Title page and ToC, at least 5 quality references with proper Harvard style referencing; brief introduction; research and analysis of findings; summary; and evaluation (of your KM system).
Week 12 deliverables An electronic copy to be uploaded before Friday 5pm. Please attach a copy of the Marking guide to your hardcopy of submitted report.
Note: As discussed in class, resources have been posted onto the course web site.
Oral Presentation (10%) in Week 13
The oral presentation will be marked based on clarity of the presentation, ability to focus on key issues and appropriate use of key KM concepts and data illustrations.
The set textbooks for reference are:
Dalkir, K. 2011. Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition, MIT Press, Boston, Ma. Tutorial Reference: Ragsdale, C. 2014. Spreadsheet Modeling and Decision Analysis: A Practical Introduction to Business Analytics, 7th Edition Cengage Learning, Boston, Ma.
Workshop Textbooks:
1. Parr-Rud, O. 2014, Business Analytics Using SAS Enterprise Guide and SAS Enterprise Miner: A Beginner’s Guide, SAS Publishing, North Carolina, USA.
2. Truxillo C 2014, Advanced Business Analytics Course Notes, SAS Institute Inc., USA.