Submit assessment tasks for grading in this section. You can also find support resources related to specific assessment tasks, such as rubrics or marking guides.

Carefully read assessment information and instructions in the Unit Outline.

Due dates and times are indicated in each LEO activity. Due times are set at Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) or Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time (AEDT). If you are in a different time zone, you have to convert the time to your time zone.

Check List for all Assessment Tasks in this unit:

Before making your final submission of any assessment task in this unit, please consider the following:

  • It is best to start preparing for any Assessment task was early as feasible but no later than 3 weeks prior to the due date
  • Have you read and understood the Assessment Task requirements and the related Rubric?
  • Did you seek clarification and clarity about the Assessment requirements from the NLIC/CL?
  • Have you followed the basic organisation, content and presentation as required for the Assessment task and its Artefact requirements such as; Essay, Critical Analysis Essay, Report, Written proposal, Visual or Oral presentation…etc.?
  • Did you performed spelling check to the Assessment draft prior to the submission?
  • Have you followed the Harvard Referencing Style in your citation and Referencing list?
  • Have you checked your good draft of an Assessment for similarity via Turnitin? This process could take few hours and sometimes days. Any Similarity of more than 12% is a concern especially if it is mainly from one single source. Please attend to high similarity prior to the final submission.
  • You can make changes to what have been submitted up to the due date of an assessment. Changes are not allowed after the due date.
  • Assessments

To pass this unit, you are required to complete and submit three graded assessment tasks and achieve an aggregate mark of at least 50%. Marking will be in accordance with a rubric specifically developed to measure your level of achievement of the learning outcomes for each item of assessment. You will also be awarded a final grade which signifies your overall achievement in the Unit.

The assessment strategy for this Unit allows you to sequentially develop your knowledge and skills in organisational change to the point where you can produce a change plan to resolve an organisational change problem in a real-world scenario. To develop this level of capability, you will demonstrate your knowledge of change theories in an essay, further develop your understanding of organisational change through a change problem diagnosis presentation and then apply your knowledge and understanding of the development, leadership, implementation and evaluation of change strategies through creation of a change plan in the final assessment task.

The assessment tasks for this unit are designed for you to demonstrate your achievement of each learning outcome as indicated in the following Assessment Table.

Assessment tasks Due date Weighting (%) Learning Outcomes assessed Graduate Attributes assessed
Essay: analysis of change theories 29/03/2020 @ 23:55 30% 1 GA 4, 8
Change Problem Diagnosis Commencing Week 8 in Class presentation 20/04/2020 30% 2, 4 GA 2, 4, 9
Design a Change Plan 01/06/2020 @ 23:55 40% 2, 6, 9 GA 1, 3, 4, 8, 9

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Assessment 1: Essay: Analysis of Change Theories Turnitin Assignment

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Due date: 29 March 2020 @23:55

Weighting: 30%

Length and/or format: 1500 words.

Purpose: For students to critically evaluate foundation frameworks, philosophies and theories for change management in organisations. In this assignment, you will be required to analyse and critique two change models from those discussed in this unit.

Learning outcomes assessed: LO1 Critically evaluate different frameworks, philosophies and theories for change management in organisations ensuring that business supports inclusive and sustainable growth and productive employment (GA4, 8)

How to submit: Via Turnitin

Return of assignment: Feedback and marks will be provided approximately 2 weeks after submission of assignment

Assessment criteria: The assessment criteria can be found in the rubric listed in the appendix A of this document.

Approaching the task

In this assignment, you are required to analyse and critique any two of the Process Theories of change Models. For the analysis, you need to unpack each model and;

  • Compare and contrast the similarities and differences of both models
  • Compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of each model
  • Draw a conclusion about the usefulness of the models in addressing a change problem

You are then required to report on your findings in an Analytical Essay Format. Details updated on LEO.

Essay Structure

Your Analytical Essay should cover the following elements: (word limits for each section are indicative)

  • Introduction (100 words)
  • Similarities and differences of the two models (450 words)
  • Strengths and Weaknesses of the two models (450 words)
  • As a Change Agent, which Model do you prefer and why? (400 words)
  • Conclusion (100 words)
  • Reference List

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