The literature review aims to explore how stress urinary incontinence interferes with the quality of life (QOL) of women. 

 Select 10 (TEN) primary peer review articles only UK either Quantitative or Qualitative

between year 2010 to 2020 USE Caldwell et al. (2011) research framework to critique the selected articles


Work will include:

  • Critical appraisal of the primary research
  • Critical analysis and discussion of findings
  • Implications for nursing and limitations to application in practice


Literature Review (your appraisal of the papers)

Critical Appraisal

This section of the essay presents the papers included and reviewed in your essay. It is required that all students demonstrate a detailed presentation and critique of all the papers reviewed. This would include general comments about the nature of evidence itself – is it largely qualitative, quantitative or a combination of both? Is there high or low consensus? Are there different schools of thought?

There are several approaches to appraising a paper, one approach is to divide and critique the papers in accordance to the process in which the authors conducted the research for example the aims of the study, ethical issues, methodology, sample/population data collection, data analysis, findings and so forth.

Whilst conducting this critique, you will begin to identify themes that emerge from the findings of each of the studies. You can use the themes as subheadings to discuss and explore further in the discussion section.




Ethical issues and underpinning principles related to research and to the topic is expected to be discussed. For example:


Ethical approval was granted in each of the studies (studies 1 and 2). This demonstrated that the studies met and complied with the ethical principles set by the ethics committees. According to xxxxxxx (2018) ethical approval must be granted before any research study can take place and demonstrates that the research study worthy of being conducted and the participants were not at risk of harm. Ethical concerns are such that………………………….





Key Advantages

Are there any problematic ethical issues?



A summary of the findings of each paper should be given grouped into themes or individually.


Key Advantages

Using a critiquing framework helps guide the critiquing process. If a critical appraisal framework is used, then it should be identified, and justification of use outlined.



Following the critique of the papers we expect a general discussion of what that collection of papers have told us. Usually, this can be found in the results/ discussion sections of the papers reviewed and grouped into themes. This section of your essay should summarise the overall outcome of the review. It should pose the question what do we now know about this topic? The discussion section should include the following:


  • Discussion of major areas of agreement and disagreement in the literature. Relate to wider context.


  • Strengths and limitations of the literature as a whole e.g. were the studies generally small and of poor quality?


  • A reflection on your overall approach to the review e.g. limitations of time, resources, experience, access to literature (small amount, difficulties finding) –how did these impact on the quality of the review that you carried out? By identifying the limitations this will help to put your results in context/perspective.




Key Advantages
Crucially it is significant that you identify the relevance and importance of the overall findings to practice, policy, education, workforce planning etc. Any Recommendation or implications for practice where appropriate should be thoroughly discussed. Are there any limitations of these recommendation/implications for practice? (see marking criteria).

This is a key subsection.



This section should answer the question: What answers or new insights have you given them into the area and the research question?

The conclusion section should include the following:

  • Summarise clearly the main findings of the review in relation to the research question.
  • Summarise any implications for practice/policy/organisation of care or education where appropriate.

Avoid the conclusions being a mere summary of what has gone before. You should try to progress ideas in this section in light of the overall literature review question. What about any unanswered questions?  It may not always be possible to fully answer your question. This could be due to limited research in the area you have chosen. If so, then this should be acknowledged. Suggestions for future research in the area should be identified- e.g. more qualitative/quantitative studies, larger studies, questions for future research arising from the study (especially where you have discovered a paucity of published evidence).

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