Allocate at least 5 hours to complete this field experience, examining and working with your field experience students, identifying their unique literacy and learning needs.

Utilizing the needs assessment data you collected for the student from your field experience classroom in Topic 6, consult with your 1st grade class mentor teacher to create or modify an English Language Arts lesson or mini-lesson that you can teach to a whole group, small group, or to the individual student. The lesson should be focused on the learning needs uncovered in the needs assessment.

After the lesson, debrief with your mentor teacher about the teaching experience, and the progress of the student as a result of the instruction. Spend the remainder of your field experience hours observing your teacher or another language arts teacher in your school, looking for evidence of summative and formative assessment.

Write a 250-500 word summary of the lesson, your teaching experience, and the feedback your mentor gave you, and how you plan to apply what you learned to your future professional practice.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

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