For this assignment you will watch the videos and read chapter 3. You will also read pages 376-377 that explain Memo formatting and give examples of how to do that format.


After watching the video and reading chapter 3, type a 400 to 500-word Memo to me (size 12, Times New Roman) responding to specific information found in the Videos AND Chapter 3 (your heading is not included in the word count of your memo).  Pick at least one detail that you found interesting or helpful. Feel free to mention any information you found confusing or that which you disagree.

I do NOT want a summary of the chapter; I want your thoughts/response to some of the information in the chapter.  Use the Memo sample on page 377* as the model for your memo.  Make your memo look just like this sample in regard to appearance and usage of spacing (double/single), tabs, punctuation, headings, bold, italics, underlining, categories listed, purpose etc.


For any of these response essays when you are referring to specific information from the book, make sure you list/cite the page number to which you are referring.

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