All these three are the main question of the unit!

  1. According to the unit, what experiential factors contribute to the liminal state of the featured ethnic minority women featured in the unit.?
  2. According to the unit, how does liminality create a cultural chasm for the featured ethnic minority women from the unit? (Use 2 forms of support different from #1)
  3. According to the unit, how does challenging white supremacy leverage resilience?

RESILIENCE was featured in unit 2 by exemplifying ethnic minority women sharing their experiential factors in their struggle living in a liminal state, where balancing their identity between the cultural chasm and white supremacy is part of their everyday life.

Unit Outcomes

  1. To identify the liminal experience women of color endure.
  2. To engage in the pull and tug of having to choose between which parts of their mothers’ heritages and the knowledge of themselves in the effort to become resilient

Unit Language

  1. Liminality
  2. Cultural Chasm
  3. White Supremacy


Film List

These films may be rented via Amazon Prime, iTunes, Google Play or YouTube if you do not have access to the film.  Since we save lots of money on textbooks for this course, a rental will be worth it.  Many public libraries also have access to these films.

These Directions are reply every single question method explain, support.


  1. Restate the question into a statement.  For example, change the question above to a statement.  It should look like this: The unit is aligning with the argument provided by the danger of the single story. – Your argument. It’s that easy.
  2. Now, using the inspiration from the course content, explain the answer.  Do not use specificities examples yet.  Just explain yourself.  Pretend you are sitting with your friends or family and you have to explain to them how the unit is aligning with the argument provided by the danger of the single story. This becomes your logic.
  3. Now it’s time to get some credibility.  Find a source from the unit to support your logic. Make sure you are clear as to where you are getting your information.  Use your language to demonstrate mastery of the example.
  4. Give your credibility some value.  Comment on your support.  Express WHY your selected support is actually connecting to your logic – your explanation.
  5. Now it’s time to get some credibility… again.  Find another (different) source from the unit to support your logic. Make sure you are clear as to where you are getting your information.  Use your language to demonstrate mastery of the example.
  6. Give your credibility some value.  Comment on your support.  Express WHY your selected support is actually connecting to your logic – your explanation.

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