Please watch the embedded video and comment upon it as well as our readings from Celluci and Pastor and this additional reading regarding the following:
- Accenture claims that their “roundbreaking research … identifies six key steps to help police services prepare for the future.”
Which of the six key steps are validated by other resources or commentary you have read or considered so far in this course, and why? Which are rebutted or challenged by resources or commentary you have read or considred so far in this course, and why?
- What is “FUTURETech in action,” and how will this occur in the present and future?
Is it merely a plattitude that “Change Ain’t Easy – But It Is Possible?” In what ways can and must public-private partnerships change regardless of ease but within the realm of possibility and feasibility?
- Is Marquette Park now any more useful a case study than when you first studied it, or is it less useful? Please explain.
two reading text book are, A guide to innovative public-private partnerships by T.A. Cellucci publisher Government Instirutes 2011 ISBN 978-1-60590-745-1 The privatization of police in America by J.F. Pastor, Publisher Mcfarland&Co 2003 ISBN 978-0-7864-1574-8