PART A – Information to Tenderers


ABC University is a growing public University with several campuses across Australia. It has been in operations for over 40 years and currently has approximately 45 thousand student enrolments nationally. It’s Melbourne Campus is located in the inner-city CBD fringe of Melbourne (Fitzroy), where the University offers several courses including, nursing, teaching, science and law.

The University is growing in popularity year by year and is forecasted to outgrow its current location in Melbourne within the next 3 years due to increasing student enrolments. Given this, the executive leadership team urgently requires the investigation of development options to address the forecasted growth, and also updating of its current facilities to keep up with the enrolment numbers, keep a competitive edge against other Melbourne based Universities, and bring its current facilities up to current pedagogical requirements

As part of the development options, the University also looks to incorporate other revenue streams within the development that are complimentary to tertiary education. The consideration of this is to take ABC University into a ‘university city’ type campus space creating a place for education, living, health and wellbeing, employment, and entertainment and socialisation.


  • To ensure delivery of the project is achievable while maintaining all operations in Building 1 as normal.
  • To deliver a state of the art learning and teaching facility which encourages collaboration, creativity and innovation
  • To enhance and add to the overall campus feel via incorporating other supporting facilities
  • High quality, inspirational design that responds to the character and vision of ABC University and meets ABC’s pedagogical
  • Expand and enhance the current learning facilities to create a safe and protective educational environment for the benefit of students and
  • Deliver the project within the agreed timeframe and




ABC University requires the services of an experienced Project Management Consultancy to manage the proposed development in accordance with the above. The project shall be delivered in two stages which are:

  • Stage 1 – Due Diligence
  • Stage 2 – Project Delivery



Stage 1 – The Due Diligence will involve determining the requirements and undertaking an assessment of potential development opportunities including what supporting / complimentary services are most suitable for  occupying the parts  of the development. This  is also critical to the viability of the development as not all additional new space will be required to be utilised for academic purposes in the next 5 years. ABC University wishes to ensure that until student numbers increase, the developed and and / or part of the refurbished spaces will be occupied to ‘fill the gap’ and bringing in a feasible return.

A market analysis is imperative to understand what services / businesses would be interested in operating out of such a facility in a prime location. Consideration should also be given to the


refurbishment / extension options of the existing building particularly related to existing services and infrastructure, thus a technical analysis is deemed critical.

This due diligence exercise must inform ABC University of the potential development options including location, viability, key activities and likely duration of such activities, statutory and regulatory requirements including relevant standards and compliance requirements for upgrade options, whole development costs, exposure to risk, impact on business operations, change management implications, and benefits to be received.

The resolution of the development is dependent on the due diligence outcome ensuring that the most viable development option to achieve the above is identified.

Should the project manager’s proposed approach meet ABC Universities commercial, financial and risk

requirements; then the project manager’s commission will be extended to include Stage 2

  • Project


Stage 2 – Project Delivery will involve detailed project planning exercises to confirm the strategy developed in the due diligence exercise and set the framework for the successful planning and delivery of the development for ABC University. Once this framework is in place, the project manager will be responsible for all aspects of project delivery.

Site Information

The Campus is located at 115 Victoria Parade in Fitzroy. The area highlighted in red is owned by ABC University and should be investigated for potential development, whereas the area referred to as Building No.1 is the current occupied premises for potential upgrading.

The existing Building No.1 is a heavily utilised learning and teaching building at the university and will need to remain operational throughout the build. The existing building is also a heritage building.




Project Phases and Indicative Key Milestone Dates

Project Management Services are required for the below project phases.


Phase Indicative Completion Date
PM Consultant Engaged (exercise 1) Late March 2020
Stage 1
Due Diligence (exercise 2) Late May 2020
Stage 2
Project Management Plan (exercise 3) TBC
Return Functional Brief TBC
Concept Design Complete TBC
Schematic Design Complete TBC
Design Development Complete TBC
Contract Documentation / Tender / Contractor Award TBC
Contract Administration / Construction TBC
Defects Liability Period TBC



ABC University is seeking proposals from experienced professional Project Management organisations to conduct the Stage 1 – Due Diligence and Stage 2 – Project Delivery exercises.

The proposal must provide the following information:

  • Executive Summary / Cover Letter regarding submitted proposal;
  • An introduction to the Project Management organisation;
  • An outline of the organisations experience and capability to undertake both stages of the commission;
  • Details of the organisations experience in successfully delivering similar projects;
  • Proposed governance framework for management of the project;
  • Demonstrate understanding of the project requirements and the objectives that the client is seeking to obtain from both stages of the commission;
  • Demonstrated ability to manage risk;
  • Suggestions regarding innovation;
  • Details of the project management methodology and management techniques to be adopted throughout the commission, identifying:
    • Approach to site establishment and logistics will have to managed throughout the
    • Proposed sequencing and phasing of the Works to ensure no interruption to University
    • Methodology and consideration for managing and planning interface
    • Methodology for design management
  • Outline your teams approach and processes to ensuring occupational health and safety is met and managed on all projects;
  • Proposed team structure including current workload, past experience, and a referee;
  • Curriculum Vitae of the nominated project team;
  • A programme for completion of the commission indicating all activities, target milestones and decision points;
  • A fee proposal to undertake the commission which must, as a minimum, identify:


  • Lump sum fee for Stage 1 and Stage 2 activities;
  • Hourly rates for all categories of personnel nominated;
  • Any qualifications or exclusions from the
  • Percentage of time allocated for each of the personnel proposed to provide professional services for this



ABC University will evaluate the proposal on how well it meets or exceeds the requirements set out in this RFP. Proposals will be assessed on various criteria that include but are not limited to:

  • Compliance with the RFP document;
  • Recent relevant experience of the company and its proposed team;
  • The proposed methodology and timeframe / Program;
  • Resource allocations;
  • Prices and pricing structure;
  • Key Risks and Mitigations;
  • OH&S Management;
  • Relevance of the information provided
  • Any other relevant criteria considering the services

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