Required: I have powerpoint present about casting,setting,costumes in “How He Lied to Her Husband”

I just start with my ideas.

The actor I picked to play Aurora is Audrey Hepburn, Chace Crawford will play Henry, and John Hamm will play Aurora’s husband Teddy. .We plan to takes place in the 50’s in Washington. She always wears dresses, her husband wears business attire, her lover wears preppy clothing.

Can you help me finish the powerpoint with outline below. You can help me more ideas about   ideas for cast, costumes, and set.

*Cast your show. Find photos of your cast. They do not have to be the same era.

*Find costumes that represent the time, era, status, of the characters. Create a complete outer costume (example: dress, pants, skirt, blouse, shoes, shirt, tie, jacket, trousers, hats, props, jewelry, etc…)

*Find a way to represent your setting by finding individual pieces of furniture and decoration. (examples: chairs, sofa, lamps, paintings, rugs, etc…)

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