Term paper Course content is intended as a broad overview of key health issues related to globalization

Term project Option 1: Term paper Course content is intended as a broad overview of key health issues related to, limiting the opportunities we have to explore student interests in great detail. Term papers provide an opportunity for students to dig deeper into any topic related to the course and are as close to an independent study project as I can manage within a course setting. Students should begin to think about the topic for their term paper early in the semester. A term paper abstract and outline will be due the 10th week of class for undergrads. Graduate students may also turn in an ungraded abstract and outline for comments. Working closely with the instructor over the course of the term, students will produce term papers that are relevant to the course, of keen interest to the student, and of high quality. Two students may co-author a term paper. Graduate students must write it independently. Term paper topics and formats will be specific to each student. Paper format:  Maximum 15 pages maximum, 12 pages recommended minimum, double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, one inch margins;  Stapled in left-hander corner, numbered pages, and course section on each page as a header;  Fully referenced using APA referencing format (references not included in page count):

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