A 55-year-old male patient of northern European descent presents with painless limitation of movement in the little finger of the right hand. The patient states that over the past 9 months his finger has been gradually pulled into a bent position. He has tried to straighten his finger but has been unable to do so. He can bend his finger and make a fist without difficulty. Examination of the palmar aspect of the right hand reveals a taut cord that begins in the palmar region and crosses the metacarpophalangeal joint of the little finger. There is a palmar skin nodule at the base of the taut band. Palpation of the nodule and taut band does not elicit tenderness. Passive flexion of the ring finger to its end range of motion is full but any attempt to extend the ring finger beyond its initial resting position is restricted due to a firm end feel. What is the most likely diagnosis?


(A)          Dupuytren contracture

(B)          Gamekeeper finger

(C)          Ganglion cyst

(D)          Jersey finger

(E)          Trigger finger

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